Main Objectives of Post:
1. As part of the feasibility study process, gather information from various sources including the planning section, utilities, SEPA, topographical surveys, and site investigations. Draw conclusions and recommendations from the information gathered.
2. Project manage a range of housing development projects from feasibility study stage to completion on behalf of TIG and TIG’s range of clients.
3. Produce plans as part of our feasibility planning application and building warrant submission services using Autocad.
4. Produce detailed project plans and reports comparing actual with planned activity, providing explanations regarding slippages in the programme and deviations from budget and/or specification.
5. Administer procurement exercises on behalf of TIG and TIG’s Clients, adhering to TIG’s procedures and good practice.
6. With the Construction Development Manager, deliver a Clerk of Works service to TIG’s clients.
7. Survey empty properties and carry out a feasibility study and financial assessment to determine if the property is suitable to be brought back into use through the TIG Empty Homes Project.
8. Assist with project development, including project management, business planning, and the preparation of funding applications.
9. Visit building sites to ascertain contractor progress compared with the programme, ensure workmanship is of an acceptable standard, and ensure that adequate health & safety measures are in place.
10. Attend monthly project progress meetings.
11. Assist the Principal Designer in ensuring that Health & Safety procedures are planned and implemented for all project works.