Job Purpose
1. Be an active member of the clinical team, providing a specialist falls service to residents of Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith and Fulham.
2. To provide comprehensive multi-factorial falls assessment, treatment, and evidence-based programme of rehabilitation to all clients who have fallen as part of an inter-disciplinary service.
3. To hold a clinical caseload of patients at risk of falls as well as those needing general community-based rehabilitation, delivering client centred, evidence-based physiotherapy interventions.
4. Work within professional standards and clinical guidelines, promote best practice and to undertake all aspects of clinical duties as an autonomous practitioner including assessing and treating own caseload of patients/clients and maintaining professional documentation.
5. Build up and maintain key relationships with referring services across CLCH including the other Falls and Bone Health Services in CLCH, Acute Falls Clinics, Community Rehabilitation Teams, Hospital at Home Team, Community Independence Service, GPs, District Nurses, A&E, Ambulance Services and other community service providers to facilitate appropriate referrals and an understanding of the role of the Physiotherapist in the Falls Prevention Service.
6. To understand the rationale behind multi-factorial falls prevention programmes and the evidence base supporting their delivery.
7. Undertake specialist uni-professional and multi-professional detailed multi-factorial falls assessments for clients who have fallen. These clients will present with a variety of falls risk factors and often present with complex multi-pathologies including neurological conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, age related disorders, osteoporosis, vestibular disorders, learning disability and/or mental health diagnosis.
8. To have a working knowledge of up-to-date practices, such as FRAX assessment, home safety assessment and research (e.g. NICE guidelines, Agile/CSP Falls Prevention Guidelines, AGS & BGS falls guidelines).
9. Be proficient in the assessment of clients with a wide range of pathologies and competent in the development and implementation of treatment plans for these clients who are referred to the Falls Prevention Service. Demonstrate the use of evidence-based outcome measures and interventions and in accordance with CSP Guidelines.
10. To lead community evidence-based strength and balance groups and deliver educational talks around falls prevention and falls risk management. After clients complete the strength and balance groups, be responsible for their follow up.
11. Support the members of the Falls Prevention Service in the day-to-day operation of the service. These operational activities are wide ranging and may include answering queries, triaging referrals, contributing to team discussions, responding to client needs, delegating and supervising appropriate tasks to Rehabilitation Assistants and administrative staff and communicating with other team members or outside agencies.
12. Participate in the Falls Prevention Service triage rota. This will require the use of clinical reasoning skills to identify appropriate referrals to the Falls Prevention Service or signpost to other community services.
13. To share responsibility for the organization and coordination of the strength and balance groups in the community, including client transport.
14. Participate in the multi professional team meeting in the Falls Prevention Service, actively contributing and chairing as required.
15. To work collaboratively with all agencies in health, housing, Social Services, voluntary sector, and community leaders to implement sustainable evidence-based practice and achieve the best care for all community clients.
Are you looking to join London’s largest NHS Trust dedicated to community healthcare?
We are looking for fantastic Physiotherapists to join our Bank. This will give you the ability to pick up new skills, work across different teams, pick up shifts whenever you want, and gain further experience in a large NHS Trust. You'll be able to work across the Trust as well.
In return for your skills and experience we can offer you:
* Flexible working hours to suit individual circumstances and arrangements
* Competitive hourly rates
* Access to the NHS Pension Scheme (subject to status)
* Paid annual leave built into hourly rate
* Access to statutory and mandatory training through Induction and e-Learning
* Great opportunities to sample different areas of work across different services
Our temporary staffing shifts are calculated hourly and paid weekly. You are paid only for the hours you actually work during any Assignment. Bank workers are paid on fixed third point based on the Agenda for Change (AFC) pay bands. Weekly pay will include: Basic pay Unsocial hours (If applicable).
This advert closes on Wednesday 12 Mar 2025.