The Associate Group Manager is responsible to the Group Manager for Acute & Emergency Medicine and provides a managerial focus with the Clinical Lead in the development and provision of a comprehensive, high quality, patient centred service within the resources available. The post has key functions: operational management of the specialty, including the delivery of performance against financial and activity targets; supporting the development and delivery of service strategy; organisational development and the management of risk. Operational Management 1.1 Lead and manage the specialty, ensuring clear communication and robust implementation of policy, business objectives and agreed targets. 1.2 Chair and lead meetings, working with the Group Manager, Modern Matron and Clinical Director to ensure sound operational management of all areas with robust, reviewable systems. 1.3 Manage the operational performance of the specialty to achieve delivery of national and local targets, the development and delivery of improvement plans and reengineering of roles/models of care. 1.4 In liaison with the Group Finance Manager agree and deliver against financial and activity profiles for the specialty/departments, identify risks and implement and review risk reduction strategies. 1.5 Implement and review robust systems and processes so that speciality budgets are effectively managed and financial balance is achieved, within Trust budgetary rules, Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions. 1.6 Implement HR and governance strategies and policies within the specialty in order to achieve compliancy with Trust policies and procedures, best practice, relevant legislation and regulatory provisions. 1.7 Lead the timely investigation and resolution of complaints, clinical adverse events and untoward incidents, involving staff and/or patients, within the specialty and implement strategies to reduce risk of reoccurrence and promote quality 1.8 Manage staff within the specialty, including regularly reviewing establishments and skill mix in collaboration with Group Manager, Clinical Lead, Modern Matron and Clinical Director to ensure organisational efficiency and clinical excellence. 1.9 Implement and review robust arrangements within the specialty to effectively deal with emergencies, in line with Trust policy, including elective and emergency admissions, major emergencies and mechanical failures. For further details of the role please see the attached job description.