Be team leader for the ICA workforce and maintain a regular presence in the department, balancing the complex demands of the service. Manage the ICA team and create rosters through Healthroster, accurately documenting in respect to sickness, unplanned absence, annual leave and additional duties. Ensure the service is supported with ICAs within Derriford Hospital and peripheral sites where appropriate. This requires an understanding of the needs of the service as well as an understanding of skill mix within the ICA team, particularly when there is staff sickness/absence to maintain adequate service provision. Be able to manage NHSP shifts, check and approve overtime. Respond to non-routine situations as directed by the SLM team and Modality Clinical Leads to manage the ICA team responding effectively to daily issues. To have operational line management responsibility for the ICAs including liaison with SHWB and HR regarding sickness and absence, performance and conduct issues as required, undertaking meetings with staff in line with Trust Policy. Document and act upon advice, making reasonable adjustments where necessary, reviewing regularly if support requirements change. Hold regular meetings with the ICA team, communicate sensitive information, maintain confidentiality, deal with conduct/performance management of individuals. Document discussions routinely. Undertake meetings with the support of HR which might result in formal action being taken against the member of staff. Manage grievance, conduct and capability procedures and respond to complaints which involve the ICAs. To act as a point of contact for the SLM team and Modality Clinical Leads in relation to ICA staff performance, regularly review the ICA role and workforce plans in line with current and future service demands and developments. Manage requests for flexible working/retirement or changes to working patterns/ hours. Ensure that service delivery is unaffected by changes whilst accommodating requests were able. Liaise with senior manager and HR when necessary. Ensure requests are reviewed annually or if service needs change. Meet regularly with HR and Senior manager to review personnel issues, sickness/absence and mandatory training compliance. Review the monthly position listing with a senior manager to ensure accuracy, have oversight of monthly overtime payments and budget. Produce annual NHSP printout of staffing requirements. To liaise with the HR department regarding redeployed staff, ie. monitoring over the 4-week induction period to ensure all set objectives have been met. Communicate with colleagues at all levels in the department to assist with the efficient control of workflow patterns. To be able to work independently and prioritise own workload, and that of the ICA team, in order to maintain efficient and effective patient throughput. Delegate appropriate tasks whilst maintaining responsibility for that task. Have a firm understanding of DATIX, be able to undertake investigations where appropriate in collaboration with Modality Clinical Leads and SLM team. Provide feedback to relevant stakeholders and share areas for learning with the ICA group. Report untoward incidents to senior staff using the trust incident reporting system. Lead in the recruitment of staff to the ICA role. Produce and review JDs, advertise vacancies. Lead on shortlisting and interviews in line with trust processes. Maintain own professional development, attend courses/further training to optimise role. Undertake annual appraisals for ICAs in line with trust policy ensuring the completion rate exceeds the minimum expectations of the trust as monitored on the service line dashboards. Produce an induction program and competency pack for the ICA workforce, ensure they are accurately recorded and annually updated. Act as lead for the education of the ICA team, responsible for CME events, CPD and PDP of individuals in collaboration with the Imaging Educational Team. Establish a clear career pathway and develop opportunities for role progression where appropriate. Work as part of a cohesive multidisciplinary team within the department and across the wider Trust. Liaise and communicate with other members of the team, wards and departments giving clear and accurate information to ensure planned care is provided. Act as a mentor and support new members of ICA team through local induction. Ensure that each ICA is trained to the required standard for each modality, maintain the competency record for ICA team. This encompasses various safety aspects required to maintain health and safety of both staff and patients. Hold a Care Certificate, have a high level of theoretical knowledge, act as mentor and undertake care certificate assessments for new team members. Supervise, demonstrate duties, assist in the training of and offer informal teaching to learners within the department. Be responsive and informative when guidance and support is required. Support and lead on Quality Improvement initiatives for the ICA team and service. Ensuring a "quality first" approach to all aspects of work in the area. Undertake infection control audits and environmental cleanliness checks, where appropriate, review results with the supervising Radiographer. Prepare examination rooms, ensuring all clinical areas are clean and well stocked with appropriate consumables. Assist with maintaining cleanliness and tidiness within the department. Disposing of clinical waste and sharps safely and appropriately, in line with best practice / local Policy. Ensure that patient dignity and privacy is maintained. That they are treated with care, compassion and provided with a quality service. Provide emotional and physical support for patients, chaperone during their scans in accordance to policy/procedures. Supervising and observing patients in wait spaces. Escorting patients to and from the department, and where necessary to assist with dressing and undressing and attending to their needs. Communicate with a wide range of people including colleagues, patients and staff using appropriate communication skills. Effective skills required for communicating with, reassuring and gaining co-operation of patients in circumstances where they may be worried, distressed, confused, or have learning or language difficulties. To promote and safeguard the wellbeing of patients, their families and colleagues Comply with local confidentiality polices, child protection and vulnerable adults procedures. Have an understanding and comply with Policies, Procedures and Local Rules relating to ionising radiation safety, MRI safety and patient care etc. Ensure proficiency with equipment before use in accordance with local policy and manufacturers instructions. To be familiar with and adhere to Trust and Departmental policies and procedures mindful of responsibilities to self, colleagues and patients. Report appropriately any deficits, breakages, and faulty equipment or problems to the Radiographer in charge. In MRI, under the direction of a Radiographer, ensure visiting staff are adequately prepared prior to entry into the MRI scan room. To ensure patients prior to MRI examinations have completed their safety questionnaires and highlight any responses requiring further investigation to the Radiographer. In MRI ensure patients are safely de-metalled prior to entry to the MRI room. If a patient reports having had metal penetrate their eyes when completing the MRI safety questionnaire, to ask the nature of the accident, ask when and check whether they have had any imaging of their head (CT head / orbit x-ray) provide this information to the Radiographer. Under direction of a Radiographer administer oral contrast for patients attending for body scans. Under the direction of a Radiographer, prepare the MRI couch, including positioning coils. Undertake and assist with daily and weekly resuscitation trolley checks. To assist Radiologists and Radiographers during patient examinations as required using manual handling techniques and mechanical aids where necessary. To transport patients daily to and from the Imaging department in wheelchairs or beds either alone or with a porter or colleague as necessary. To be familiar with imaging procedures in order to be able to explain them to patients of all ages and abilities, carers and relatives and report any concerns to the Radiographer. Adhere to all aspects of the regulations pertaining to COSHH, Infection Control, Health and Safety to observe the local rules relating to radiation safety, thereby maintaining a safe working environment. Assess any infection risks and employ necessary precautions. There will be frequent contact with bodily fluids, foul linen, fleas, lice etc. There may be exposure to verbal or physical aggression. There will be frequent exposure to emotional and distressing circumstances and traumatic incidents when working in clinical areas. To understand and adhere to the data protection act, ensuring patient confidentiality, do not disclose any information gained in course of work. PLEASE SEE JOB DESCRIPTION ATTACHED FOR FULL LIST OF ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES.