We are working closely with South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner to recruit for their Independent Custody Visiting Scheme. Please note this is a volunteer role. Please note the role will be conducted with the Police and Crime Commissioner across the South Wales Police area. The application process and questions are set by the specifications of role as set about the the Commissioner and EYST is supporting their recruitment for this role. To apply for the role please complete the application form on the next page If you are having any issues with the application form please contact Recruitmenteyst.org.uk For an informal discussion about this role please contact Selimaeyst.org.uk, Helaleyst.org.uk or Tsegaeyst.org.uk Deadline for applications 7th March 2025 at 23.59 Interview dates – week commencing 31st March 2025 For more information and Guidelines please see the link below: https://www.eyst.org.uk/s/South-Wales-ICV-Scheme-Guidelines-October-2024.docx ROLE DESCRIPTION 1. To arrange visits to custody with fellow visitors, in line with the agreed rota. This may include some late night and weekend visits. To carry out the minimum of 12 visits to custody suites each year. 2. To keep the Scheme Manager and the Panel Coordinator and/or other Custody Visitors informed of any problems or changes which may affect your ability to carry out the visiting rota as soon as practicable. 3. To carry out visits to designated custody suites in line with the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Scheme Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Home Office guidelines, national standards and your training. To record those visits using the Police and Crime Commissioner reporting process, ensuring that all relevant information is recorded correctly and concisely. 4. To carry out volunteer role in line with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s ‘Volunteer Policy’. 5. To check on the conditions in which detainees are kept, their health and well-being and that they are receiving their rights and entitlements with reference to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE). This will include: a) Clarifying and checking any concerns raised by the detainee, consulting the custody record where appropriate. b) Discussing with the Custody staff any concerns and requests arising from the custody visit and bringing to the Custody Sergeants attention any matters requiring immediate attention. c) To distribute the visits forms to the appropriate people. d) To notify the Panel Coordinator and/or Panel Chair of issues that need to be escalated and brought to the attention of the Scheme Manager. 6. To complete and submit expense claims at least once every 3 months (quarterly). Please note that the mileage rate payable is in line with HMRC guidance for volunteers. 7. To attend continuous professional development training events as requested by the Scheme. 8. To attend a minimum of two Panel Meetings of Independent Custody Visitors. 9. To carry out the duties of an Independent Custody Visitor having due regard to the health and safety requirements of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme. 10. To notify the Panel Coordinator, Panel Chair and the Scheme Manager of any changes to your contact details as soon as practicable or any changes which may affect your ability to carry out your role impartially. 11. To maintain confidentiality regarding the Scheme, detainees and fellow visitors as per the ‘Volunteer Policy’. 12. To not disclose details of any person you have met in custody on to other individuals other than the Scheme Manager, social media, to the press or any other media outlet. INDEPENDENT CUSTODY VISITOR PERSON SPECIFCATION Essential Criteria Measure 1. Be at least 18 years of age, of good character and pass the Non-Police Personnel Vetting (NPPV) Level process. Measure: Application/References/Vetting 2. Live, work or study in the South Wales Police area. Measure: Application 3. Have resided in the UK for at least 3 years prior to date of application. Measure: Application 4. Be able to devote sufficient time and flexibility to carry out the role. Measure: References/Interview 5. Work well with other visitors as a reliable member of a team. Measure: References/Interview 6. Carry out their role in accordance with the Scheme Guidelines and Code of Conduct. Measure: Application/References/Interview 7. Be able to communicate effectively with detainees, other custody visitors, Police and Crime Commissioner’s staff and custody staff. Measure: Application/Interview 8. Demonstrate an independent and impartial view in relation to all parties involved in the custody visiting process. Measure: Application/Interview 9. Maintain strict confidentiality. Measure: Application/Interview 10. Provide an email address for submission of report and expense forms. Measure: Application 11. Have access to your own transport or alternatively ensure that you can get to and from the custody suites at any time of day. Measure: Application 12. Able to communicate effectively with people from a variety of backgrounds having regard to equal opportunities legislation: Measure: Interview 13. Has some knowledge of the role of an independent custody visitor. Measure/ Interview You should aim to provide evidence of the above in your application. RECRUITMENT INFORMATION RECRUITMENT PROCESS People wishing to become ICVs will be asked to complete an application form as part of a selection process. This will be followed by a shortlisting exercise and an informal interview. It is helpful for candidates to familiarise themselves with the criteria above as this forms part of the basis of the selection process. All candidates will receive an email updating them on the outcome of their application, but we do not normally provide feedback at this stage. Our interviews may take place in person or on Microsoft Teams. They usually last between 30 to 60 minutes. At the interview, you will be assessed by a Panel against the criteria listed in the advert. Once everyone has been interviewed, the panel will review the scores. All roles must be offered to the highest scoring candidate first. All candidates will receive an email updating them on the outcome of their interview. If your interview is successful, you will be informed of the next steps such as reference checking and vetting clearance. Following successful references and vetting checks, you will be invited to a training day. This will take place during the week at South Wales Police Headquarters. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE PROCESS To support candidates during the recruitment process, we will consider any reasonable adjustments that you may need to help you. An adjustment is a change to the recruitment process or an adjustment to the volunteer role. If you need an adjustment to be made at any point during the recruitment process, please contact the Police and Crime Commissioner’s team as soon as possible to discuss your needs. COMPLAINTS AGAINST THE POLICE Where a custody visitor makes a complaint against the police which is recorded, or against other custody staff, whether in the role as a custody visitor, or as a private individual, the Scheme Manager must be informed. The full details will then be discussed with the Chief Executive for a decision to be made as to whether the duties of the Custody Visitor should be suspended or curtailed in the interests of impartiality. Equality and Diversity Statement: The Independent Custody Visiting Scheme is committed to encouraging equal opportunities and diversity and compliance with the equality legislation including the Equality Act 2010. Volunteers will work to ensure that no volunteer receives less favourable treatment on any grounds such as gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, ethnic or national origin, language, religion, or belief, political or other opinion or marital status. The Police and Crime Commissioner recognises the value that volunteers from different backgrounds, skills, outlooks, and experiences bring to the credibility and impact of the Scheme. The Police and Crime Commissioner strives to ensure that the Scheme is reflective of the community. Volunteers will treat everyone with the same attention, courtesy, dignity, and respect regardless of age, disability, race, sex, gender identity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage, or civil partnership status, pregnancy, or maternity status. Volunteers will ensure that they effectively challenge and report any issues regarding discriminatory language or behaviour seen in custody to the appropriate managing body for investigation/escalation/management action. ICVs commit to ensuring that police custody has equitable treatment for all that are detained there. Volunteers commit to ensuring that their own practices are inclusive, and that detainees are treated respectfully regardless of any protected characteristic. ICVs commit to ensuring that their own practices are inclusive, and that detainees are treated respectfully regardless of any protected characteristic.