The unique location, geography and constitution of the Island means that the Department provides a much wider range of services than would be expected in a comparative health authority or Social Services in the United Kingdom. The post holder will be assigned general clinical duties to include attendance at out-patient clinics and theatre sessions. Specialist skills such as Infertility, Early Pregnancy Scanning, or Colposcopy would be advantageous and these skills would be included in the weekly timetable. The post holder will provide the appropriate level of support to the Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the care of the patients. Jersey is fortunate to have maintained a team structure so the post holder would be assigned to work with a named consultant. The post holder will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of their patients and the efficient running of the department, ensuring that up-to-date, accurate, legible and comprehensive signed notes are recorded in the patients case notes. The post holder will prescribe appropriate medication and therapy, ensure that any procedure for patient management are undertaken at the most appropriate time and in the most appropriate location, promoting patient dignity and privacy. The post holder will be required to undertake and pass Health and Care Jersey e-Prescribing course. The post holder will support the Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the development, review and updating of protocols and practice regarding the management of obstetric and gynaecological patients. Close links are maintained with the Wessex Deanery and other major centres in the UK and consultants in areas such as oncology, neurology and cardiology visit the Island on a regular basis. The post holder will be expected to participate in the training of Resident Doctors and Medical students for whom he/she is responsible and ensure that training and learning needs are identified and facilitated. The post holder will be expected to take part in management and audit activities and represent the service at Hospital meetings, as agreed with colleagues. The post holder will be expected to be fully involved in a Risk Management programme and support the Governance agenda. The post holder will deputise from time to time for absent colleagues, performing additional duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances; being available for such irregular duties is essential for the continuity of patient care. Doctors are expected to be flexible and to cooperate with reasonable requests to cover for their colleagues absences where it is practicable to do so. Where doctors undertake such duties in addition to their contracted hours they will receive appropriate remuneration. The post-holder will be indemnified by the Government of Jersey for all public work undertaken as part of his/her Contract of Employment, though should retain basic cover with their indemnifier. The provision of indemnity cover for any other medical activities will be the sole responsibility of the post-holder. The on-call rota The post holder will be required to participate in an oncall rota with prospective cover, comprising of 6 middle grade doctors (1:6), increasing to 1:8 when fully recruited and provide a structured handover to colleagues to ensure continuity of care for patients. There is also a Resident Doctor rota (full shift pattern with 6 doctors) and a Consultant on call rota (1:6) in place. The Gynaecology Service The Gynaecology service carries out approximately 2,000 operations a year, and there are over 350 emergency cases a year admitted through the Surgical Ward. 38% of all operations are carried out in the award winning Day Surgery Unit that has recently been expanded. A nurse-led pre-admission service operates for gynaecology. Each year there are over 6,000 referrals to the Outpatient Department, and there are over 1,000 inpatients admitted to the ward in a year. The Surgical ward is attached to the Gynaecology Outpatient Department. The Gynaecology Outpatient ward is supported by three gynaecology nurses and health care assistant. There is a fully equipped Colposcopy and Outpatient Hysteroscopy Unit. There is an Early Pregnancy Unit with an ultrasound scan machine. The Assisted Reproductive Unit (ARU) is located in another HCJ site separate to the main hospital. It is led by a consultant, and assisted by a Senior Sister, a Staff Grade and receptionist. The Gynaecology Department carries out a considerable amount of laparoscopic surgery. Facilities for surgery are located in both Day Surgery and Main Theatre. The gynaecology outpatient department runs regular specialist clinics in Uro-Gynaecology, Colposcopy, Psychosexual and Gynae-Oncology. Jersey established a service to provide for termination of pregnancy after the relevant law was passed in 1997. Social terminations can be carried out until the end of the 12th week although in cases of severe foetal abnormality or serious maternal health problems, terminations can be carried out until 24 weeks gestation. Depending on gestation, women are offered medical or surgical terminations. The termination service is led by a consultant and assisted by staff grade doctors, family planning nurses, counsellor and nurses with a special interest. There is an excellent community contraception service provided on the island with a dedicated family planning clinic at Le Bas Centre and for the under 21- year olds, Brook Jersey. There are close working relationships with the Genito-Urinary Medicine clinics. Psychosexual counselling is offered by one of the gynaecology consultants. The Obstetric service There are approximately 1,000 births per annum. There is a high quality, well equipped Labour Ward suite with intrapartum monitoring and blood gas analysis available. There is a designated Maternity Operating Theatre within the main operating theatre complex. There is twenty-four hour anaesthetic cover, with approximately 34 % epidural rate. There is a complete mix of obstetric cases with the Unit having to deal with high-risk obstetrics as well as low risk because of the geographical isolation of the island. There are general and high risk Consultant Ante Natal Clinics per week. Most of the low risk antenatal care is shared care between General Practitioners and the community Midwives. Every ante natal patient is offered a booking scan and combined screening for aneuploidy. All fetal abnormalities are recorded and the Unit is involved with the National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Disease Registration Service (NCARDRS). Responsibility for fetal medicine is shared between two of the Consultants. All obstetric outcomes are monitored and the department reports outcome data to MBRRACE, and Each Baby Counts at the RCOG. There are approximately 1,000 births per annum. There is a high quality, well equipped Labour Ward suite with intrapartum monitoring and blood gas analysis available. There is a designated Maternity Operating Theatre within the main operating theatre complex. There is twenty-four hour anaesthetic cover, with approximately 34 % epidural rate. There is a complete mix of obstetric cases with the Unit having to deal with high-risk obstetrics as well as low risk because of the geographical isolation of the island. There are general and high risk Consultant Ante Natal Clinics per week. Most of the low risk antenatal care is shared care between General Practitioners and the community Midwives. Every ante natal patient is offered a booking scan and combined screening for aneuploidy. All fetal abnormalities are recorded and the Unit is involved with the National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Disease Registration Service (NCARDRS). Responsibility for fetal medicine is shared between two of the Consultants. All obstetric outcomes are monitored and the department reports outcome data to MBRRACE, and Each Baby Counts at the RCOG. Staffing 4 Consultant staff Mr. Adebayo Famoriyo Dr. Fiona Nelson Professor Enda McVeigh Dr Christian Alabi Locum (Vacancy) Locum (Vacancy) 6 Staff Grades 3 GP Trainees 2 Clinical Fellow 2 Year 2 Resident Doctors On Monday mornings there are weekly clinical incident reporting meetings in Obstetrics to discuss Datix cases. On Tuesday mornings there are weekly Multi-Disciplinary team meetings (MDT) linking in with the Royal Marsden Hospital in London to discuss Gynaecological /Oncology cases. There are monthly Colposcopy MDT meetings. There are monthly fetal medicine MDT meetings with a Fetal Medicine Consultant, Paediatric Consultant, Fetal Medicine midwives and an obstetric ultra sonographer. Every Friday afternoon there is departmental post graduate teaching which includes quarterly perinatal Mortality and Morbidity meetings. There are monthly risk management meetings held on Friday lunchtimes in Gynaecology to discuss any clinical incidents. There are monthly hospital wide Mortality and Morbidity meetings where routine clinical activity is cancelled in order facilitate maximum attendance from clinical and nursing staff. In house Practical Obstetric Multi Professional Training (PROMPT), Basic Life Support and Public Health study days are held at which annual attendance is mandatory.