Job Profile With appropriate supervision assess and provide services to children and families in need within the framework of relevant law, legislation and national and local guidance. To undertake high quality, analytical single assessments within statutory timescales, which are reflective of presenting concerns and responsive to identified unmet needs and/or risks. To undertake practice which is analytical and reflective and in which the child’s voice is consistently heard and recorded. To ensure that services are efficiently and effectively provided, liaising as necessary with other Council Divisions, Health, Education, Police, and other statutory, independent and voluntary sector providers. Working within the London Child Protection Procedures to undertake key work responsibilities for children subject to a child protection plan and children looked after by the Local Authority who are deemed to be at risk. To assess, advise and support Children and Families in need alongside Health, Education and Targeted Family Support colleagues to address unmet need and prevent statutory safeguarding intervention. Working with Care Planning regulations 2010, and in accordance with the Children and Families Act 2014, to execute statutory duties to children in care. To promote timely permanency planning for children in care, in accordance with the Adoption Act 2002. To enhance and promote continuing professional development in accordance with the Professional Capabilities Framework and registration requirements of the SWE. To undertake appropriate training and keep abreast of changes in legislation divisional procedures and development in professional practice. To contribute to the planning and development of the services provided by the team and promote the improvement of standards and quality assurance. To use ICT and ICS as required to maintain accurate case records, and to be able to report on key performance management data. To comply with the Service case recording guidance. To ensure that your Line Manager is kept fully appraised of any concerns arising from caseload and seek advice as and when necessary