Job Summary Reporting to the Chief Executive of West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WY ICB), the Director of Planning and Performance will support the development and delivery of the strategy and joint forward plan of the Integrated Care Board, ensuring this reflects the strategies of all relevant partner organisations of the Integrated Care System (ICS). As a member of the ICB, the Director of Planning and Performance will be jointly responsible for the planning, allocation and management of resources to meet the four requirements of the ICS in support of delivery of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnerships (HCP) mission to: improve outcomes in population health and healthcare and so reducing health inequalities. tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access and so managing unwarranted variations in care. enhance productivity and value for money and so using our collective resources wisely help the NHS support broader social and economic development and so securing the economic and social benefits of investing in health and care The Director of Planning and Performance will help set the tone in the organisation and the system. They will provide outstanding professional, compassionate, inclusive and corporate leadership across the NHS and the wider health and social care system to ensure the best possible standards of healthcare on behalf of the population. As a professional and credible leader, the postholder will work through professional networks across the ICS and regionally where relevant to provide collective leadership, engaging in peer review and challenge to improve overall practice and ensure shared learning. The postholder will uphold the Nolan Principles of Public Life, the standards for NHS Boards set out by the Professional Standards Authority and the NHS Leadership Framework competencies at all times. Key Accountabilities Responsible for leading and coordinating operational planning, including Better Care Fund planning across the HCP. Accountable for leading the design and implementation of system oversight and assurance arrangements, including a focus on mutual accountability arrangements. Responsible for coordinating the provision of service improvement support with the Director of Strategy and Partnerships and NHSE, including NHS Impact programmes. Accountable for coordinating the management of seasonal pressures and resilience planning. Responsible for leading and managing the West Yorkshire System Coordination Centre (SCC). Responsible for leading the ICBs Emergency, Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) arrangements. Responsible for managing the ICB interface with NHSE, with due regard to the new NHSE Operating Model to be implemented in 2025/26. Responsible for utilising systems, processes and information flows to provide effective early warning of potential risks to service quality and partnerships, and support interventions where required to ensure high quality outcomes. Responsible for identifying and share areas of best practice across West Yorkshire and beyond in order to support continuous improvement and high-quality outcomes. Responsible for leading a dynamic team in delivering an effective service supporting managers and staff across the West Yorkshire ICB, and partners across the ICS. Main Duties and Responsibilities Provide effective and visible leadership as part of the ICB Executive Management Team and make a corporate contribution to achieving the implementation of the Partnerships strategy and joint forward plan, within the context of the NHS Long Term Plan and the Governments forthcoming 10-year plan. Lead the development and implementation of a system oversight framework, based on the principle of mutual accountability, with the emphasis on organisations within the system and Places as well as individual organisations. Work with West Yorkshire Places, provider collaboratives and programme boards to undertake continuous assessment of progress of each Place in achieving ambitious outcomes for improvement and transformation, and to ensure that the requirements of the NHS Oversight Framework are met as an integral element of the mutual accountability framework. Work closely with the Director of Finance and the Director of Corporate Affairs to ensure a strong and coherent set of arrangements are in place across performance, finance, planning and corporate governance. Work with all West Yorkshire partners to secure the delivery of high quality, effective and efficient integrated services in partnership with Local Authorities, through the Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs), service providers, patients and the public. Respond to changes in the Operating Model Framework of NHSE, ensuring clarity for the ICB, providers and the regulator. Ensure that a rigorous process of peer review is implemented, working with Trusts, collaboratives and programmes and ensuring this links with the Director of Strategy and Partnerships to support spread of innovation and good practice and provide appropriate improvement support to Places and organisations as required the latter will involve NHSE, Yorkshire and Humber Health Improvement Network (YHHIN) and others, and the need to broker support and expertise. Coordinate NHS operational planning across the ICS and ensure its implementation, ensuring all service providers deliver improved outcomes for patients and local people and deliver value for money. Ensure a process of agreeing key performance indicators with Board colleagues, in support of delivery of the operational plan and joint forward plan. Working with the Director of Strategy and Partnerships to ensure this is linked to an effective balanced scorecard. Contribute to short, medium and long term business plans, and the development of an integrated approach to service management. Work with Trusts and Places to ensure effective management of seasonal pressures, co-ordinating the assure and aggregation of Place plans to support resilience. Lead the West Yorkshire System Coordination Centre, ensuring it supports the mitigation of operational pressures and delivery risks. Provide effective leadership for the West Yorkshire Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response (EPRR) function, including business continuity planning. Along with colleagues, to embed a culture of efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, sustainability and value for money across the area. Work closely with analytical colleagues, policy experts and regional teams to ensure that performance delivery and recovery plans are informed by a strong evidence base, grounded in operational reality. Model a collaborative and influencing style of working, negotiating with others to achieve the best outcomes. Embedding this approach across the Partnership. Work with ICB places and Local Authorities through Health and Wellbeing Boards to promote the development of integrated care delivery models that put the needs of patients and clients at the heart of service commissioning. Ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff within the team. Provide regular reporting on the targeting of resources and monitoring their implementation from a value for money perspective. Provide oversight and monitoring of all aspects of team budgets, ensuring project expenditure is monitored accordingly. Take a lead in the coordination of training, development and recruitment activity across the team. Manage staff, undertaking appraisals, and managing any employee relations issues. Devise and provide improvements to current management information, analysing, reporting and suggesting procedures to enhance decision-making processes. Ensure timely and accurate information analysis and reporting to management on agreed areas of work. Delegate aspects of research and development activities, collating information, analysing and reporting findings. Contribute to the strategic planning of team projects, identifying interdependencies, and potential impacts on wider organisation, resource requirements and building in contingency and adjustments as necessary. Participate in a regular on-call commitment. FOR FULL JOB DESCRIPTION PLEASE SEE APPLICANT PACK.