To lead on the co-ordination and delivery of specific and regular educational events, both local and regional, ensuring high quality standards are achieved and maintained. To work with the Deputy Medical Education Manager to manage, promote and expand the portfolio of educational courses offered to maximise usage of the Education Centre and ensure financial sustainability and reputational excellence. Expand the innovative education techniques currently being used eg. VR headset based simulations, working with faculty to ensure curriculum competencies are met. Work with the Deputy Medical Education Manager to generate revenue streams through effective marketing, promoting the unique selling points of the Centre such as location and facilities. Participate in the organisation and coordination of special Medical Education events both internal and external to the Directorate. Work with Royal College appointed hosts for national examinations eg. PACES (Medicine), MRCPCH (Paediatrics) Work with the Deputy Medical Education Manager in providing a supervisory role to Medical Education colleagues at Pinderfields and Dewsbury. To include reporting staff sickness/absence, staff appraisal, report disciplinary matters, incident reporting, ensure staffing levels are sufficient to support Centre activities. Provide secretarial and administrative support to the Senior Management Team as and when required. Work closely with key educational leads from across the Trust and with Regional / NHS England faculty. To attend venues outside the normal workplace in order to facilitate courses and events. Assist patients/carers during courses and examinations. Participation in facilitation of Royal College exams. Liaise with speakers/facilitators regarding educational events confirming availability and arranging alternative speakers/facilitators where necessary. Act as contact point for educational events. With instruction from education providers and the Directorate of Medical Education and in accordance with local procedures, coordinate teaching events for all areas of medical education. To include organising venue, catering, training materials and ensuring trainers are reminded in a timely manner. Provide and receive complex or sensitive information and disseminate appropriately to include verbal, written or electronic communication. To work collaboratively with the Senior Medical Education Team, Training Programme Directors and Specialty Education Leads to develop new courses and increase the educational faculty. Manage own workload, work independently with indirect supervision, escalating concerns to the relevant individual. Lead on specific or related projects as directed by the Matron for Medical Education, Director of Medical Education or Deputy Director of Medical Education.