1. To support therapy staff in the implementation of treatment programmes.2. To carry out one to one and group interventions as directed by Senior Therapy staff.3. To plan and facilitate group activities as directed by the Senior Therapists.4. To develop rapport with clients to encourage their interest in skills.5. To be aware of individual patients needs through communication with Therapy staff.6. To observe general behaviour, ability and response of clients/patients to activities.7. To have an awareness of the situations that may make clients/patients vulnerable or at risk.8. To report any concerns immediately to Senior Therapy staff.9. To respect clients/patients choices and confidentiality at all times.10.To record interventions in an agreed format.11. Any other tasks delegated by qualified staff as appropriate to grade and experience.Administration:1. To support the administration of the team as required.2. To complete necessary statistical information, e.g. daily diary sheets.3. To note any faulty equipment and inform qualified staff.4. To ensure work areas are kept clean and tidy.Profession Specific Duties:1. Attend professional and team meetings as required.2. To undertake annual appraisal and to contribute constructively to the supervision process.3. To comply with policies and agreed procedures for annual leave, sickness and time owing.