Job Description
1. Main purpose of the job role:
Provide an additional service for schools to manage their whole school attendance
To investigate and respond to irregular school attendance at the earliest opportunity
Understand the business element of the service and be customer focussed whilst
being an advocate for a child.
Direct work with schools, families and students in connection with irregular school
attendance, including home visits.
Contribute to or take the role of lead in respect of multi-agency meetings when
necessary to do so.
To identify children ‘at risk’ of becoming persistently absent and instigate early
interventions to support a resolution for irregular attendance.
To take the lead on all service interventions which support schools in reducing pupils
at risk of becoming irregular attendees.
Understand the process for self - evaluation and self - reflection when working with
schools to improve school attendance.
Implement a graduated response for school attendance, including understanding the
requirement to implement legal action for parents who do not respond to early
Work within the Council’s priorities to safeguard children and young people.
2. Role specific duties and accountabilities:
To provide a dedicated time allocation of Education Welfare Service support to carry
out agreed interventions within the commissioned time for the purpose of targeted
response to support a whole school attendance strategy.
Direct work with children, families and schools to offer interventions to support early
identification and expected resolutions.
To represent Walsall Children’s Services to a high standard and offer quality
interventions which have a positive impact on school attendance.
To offer schools a wide range of service interventions through a menu of service and
implement those services through a structured plan to deliver the services within the
commissioned time.
Standard Template
Participate with, contribute to and/or lead a range of multi agency / professional
meetings which are in connection with safeguarding children and young people or
their irregular school attendance.
To help schools to identify children and young people who are at risk of becoming
irregular attendees.
To provide written feedback and evaluation of commissioned work at suitable
intervals as requested.
To make an objective assessment in order to determine the appropriate method of
To liaise and negotiate with other professionals, statutory and voluntary agencies to
ensure that the best possible service is provided, including attending relevant
meetings on individual children and young people as required.
To use personal knowledge, skills and strategies to assist the client group to change
or modify attendance and behaviour and/or attitudes as appropriate.
To source support from other services and agencies in order to ensure appropriate
interventions are in place for children and families.
To support client schools in analysing their attendance statistics and planning and
target setting to improve.
To maintain accurate and appropriate records in respect of casework and provide
written feedback to schools to ensure appropriate transfer of information.
To comply with required administrative procedures.
To have knowledge of the agreed child safeguarding procedures, to attend case
conferences core groups and to attend Court and to give evidence as required.
To be aware of the legislation for child employment and child entertainment and the
service requirements to support compliance with the legislation.
To contribute to the process of assessment for special education needs as required.
To support schools, as part of the commissioned service support pupils at risk of
exclusion from school.
Compliance with the Walsall Children’s services Equality and Diversity Policy
To undertake any other duties as directed from time to time, to meet the exigencies of
the service.
To communicate verbally with customers and provide advice and/or information in
accurate spoken English.
Right to work in the Uk
Enhanced DBS
Eligibility to work in the UK 3 years employment history