To practice safely within the professional code of conduct and level of competency for all aspects of work, including the management of patients in your care. To contribute to the delivery of the dietetic service to the adult community patients including therapeutic diets, malnutrition, and enteral feeding which requires specialised nutritional knowledge of enteral products alongside tube care, PEG site management, and transitional feeding.
Managing and prioritising a defined patient caseload within the community setting. To promote the role of the dietitian within the multidisciplinary team and develop competency to undertake associated procedures with full consultation with the community team leader, such as replacement of balloon retained gastrostomy tubes.
To work closely with speech and language therapists to assess community patients prior to referral for PEG placement, against MCHFT criteria, and directly refer to the consultant physician as appropriate.
To work closely with MMT on cost-effective prescribing in the community.