FULL JOB DESCRIPTION ATTACHED FOR REFERENCE Primary Responsibilities Repeat prescribing Manage the repeat prescribing reauthorisation process by reviewing patient requests for repeat prescriptions and structured medication reviews, reaching review dates and flagging up those needing a review. Medicines quality improvement: Undertake clinical audits of prescribing in areas directed by the GPs, feedback the results and implement changes in conjunction with the relevant practice team. Medicines safety: Implement changes to medicines that result from MHRA alerts, product withdrawal and other local and national guidance. Auditing practices compliance against NICE technology assessment guidance Care Quality Commission: Work with the general practice team to ensure the practice is compliant with CQC standards where medicines are involved. Patient facing clinical structured medication review. Patient facing Long-term condition clinics.Domiciliary structured Clinical Medication Reviews. Management of common/minor/self- limiting ailments. Medicines, alerts and support Medicine information to practice staff and patients. Helping tackle the issue of unplanned hospital admissions. Management of medicines at discharge from hospital Signposting Service development.