You will give advice to and help individuals establish a programme that will address their needs, which could be around a broad range of health and social issues such as social isolation, mental health, long term conditions etc. You will be responsible for assisting the practice in developing a holistic health and social care service which meets the needs of the practice population. This may include proposing changes to current working practices and procedures and evaluating the effectiveness of these. You will provide telephone or home visits when the need arises for patients unable to be seen at the practice Effectively prioritise tasks to meet unexpected emergencies and changes in care packages Develop trusting relationships by giving people time and focus on what matters to them You will need to manage and prioritise your own caseload in accordance with the health and wellbeing needs of the population You will be the lead for organising and chairing the MDT, Safeguarding and PPG meetings as necessary You will act as the clinical lead at the PPG meetings forging strong links between the PPG members and the Practice Attendance and contribution at Practice Meetings, MDT Meetings, Clinical Meetings and Safeguarding Meetings and any other meetings as necessary. Inform and advise practice staff about what services are available within the community and how and when patients can access them. Work collaboratively with all staff to contribute towards supporting local organisations and community groups to become more sustainable through sharing information regarding any gaps or problems identified in local provision with commissioners and local authorities The post holder will be responsible in planning their day to day work but will also be responsible for planning and organising activities or programmes some of which may be ongoing. Establish strong links with Practice staff and contribute to the wider aims and objectives of the organisation Be a champion to promote co-ordinated care and support for all Liaise with a range of multi-disciplinary professionals who are involved in a patients care, ensuring a smooth and coordinated approach, especially where multiple agencies are involved. Support the Practice vision in the management of care and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and unnecessary GP referrals. You will develop a more robust and effective way of working in managing registers for patients who are on the MDT, Safeguarding, Palliative and Carers register. Ensuring that we are achieving better health outcomes for our more vulnerable patients. This role profile is not exhaustive; it will be subject to periodic review and may be amended to meet the changing needs of the business. You will be the Practice Carer & Veteran Champion