Effectively engages staff across the Trust to develop and deliver strategic objectives, by working with colleagues in different roles and professions to assist in effective implementation of new ideas/changes which deliver results.Provides advice regarding resuscitation & simulated clinical skills training or Human Factors Training to support clinical practice issues, including liaising with Simulation Lead Nurse. Presents at Trust committees regarding the development and delivery of the resuscitation & simulation strategy including the provision of statistical data.Interprets national guidelines and policies to ensure education delivery promotes safe care delivery.Oversees the accurate and complete recording of all Training activities to ensure accurate reporting capabilities.Maintains confidentiality as appropriate including student, staff and patient information and records.Actively tries to resolve issues and complaints at local level with a positive can-do approach.Reports any issues and complaints to Divisional Director of Nursing .Attends meetings as delegated to the role.Liaises locally and nationally with other Resuscitation & Simulation networks.The post holder will work closely with the Outreach team to ensure that both services complement each other in terms of providing support for critical care and deteriorating patients, plus those patients in cardiac arrest. To act as Trust expert to ensure trust-wide review, audit, and standardisation of resuscitation equipment for patients in conjunction with the Critical Care Outreach Team and the Resuscitation Committee ensuring cost effective use of resources.Undertake investigation into related incidents, reporting to the Resuscitation Committee, and Quality Safety Experience committee. Ensure regular audit and equipment checking systems are in place in accordance with Trust policy. Maintain service databases for audit of clinical resuscitation attempts and DNACPR. Advise the Trust Resuscitation Committee on setting clear standards of competency to be achieved by staff in resuscitation skills based on national legislation and guidance and ensuring that this is appropriately assess and documented.Be responsible for the review and update of resuscitation policies keeping them in line with present Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines, European Resuscitation Council and ILCOR GuidelinesProduce quarterly and annually resuscitation reports and present to the Quality Safety Experience Committee.Conduct clinical audit on all cardiac arrests, peri-arrest and false calls within the Trust. Ensure that national adherence to best practice in the management of Do Not Resuscitate orders, disseminating information to medical and nursing staff about DNACPR policy. Audit the effectiveness of the resuscitation service by keeping accurate data from resuscitation attempts and producing an annual audit report. Produce a Quarterly Ward Cardiac Arrest Report Audit and present to the Quality Safety Experience Committee. Identify Staff training needs and ensure staff undergo regular resuscitation training to a level compatible with their expected clinical responsibilities. Act as a clinical resource to advise best practice for staff caring for acutely unwell patient on a trust wide basis.Plan and implement training programmes and sessions.Ensure that all staff have clear, unambiguous guidelines for dealing with a collapsed person anywhere within the hospital and its grounds.Ensure that all doctors, nursing staff and professions allied to medicine (e.g. physiotherapists, radiographers, and occupational therapists) have basic life support training. Regularly organise one-day Immediate Life Support (ILS) and half day ILS recertification courses to meet the needs of those who need more advanced skills than those taught during basic life support but do not need the more comprehensive e-learning Advance Life Support (ALS) course. Support all medical, nursing, and technical staff on the Trusts run e-ALS course. Ensure adequate training records are kept and liaise with the Learning and Development Department to feed information into the central database. All hospital-based resuscitation training should be repeated and reassessed at regular intervals. Training should be valid for a fixed period of time only, with updates recommended yearly as a minimum. In conjunction with the HR Department, ensure that all new staff appointed receives appropriate induction resuscitation training before they commence a clinical placement.Instruct on, help organise and promote the Acute Illness Management Course (A.I.M.S)