Specific duties and responsibilities include:
Responsible for the performance of the team and areas of work being line managed specifically in relation to support for the SVPP, including the WSAB and CSP.
Providing line management to a team of staff, including regular 1:1s, appraisals, and other HR related matters. Quality of work and outcomes will need to be monitored.
Directing, coordinating and providing leadership in order to meet strategic needs, statutory duties and plans set out in the Safeguarding Plan.
Coordinate, drive and oversee the effective day-to-day operational management of the partnership activity, including sub-group activity so that:
1. The SVPP, WSAB and CSP complies with their statutory functions and regulatory requirements.
2. Adequate support is provided to meetings, actions and progress is tracked, and lack of progress identified and addressed.
Support and drive innovation and change across the partnership in relation to improving the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Provide leadership across the partnership including:
* Providing expertise to the SVPP Chair, Statutory Safeguarding Partners and wider partners in relation to partnership priorities, outcomes, performance and impact.
* Providing robust financial management of the partnership budget including planning, consulting on budgets and partners contributions to the pooled budgets to ensure the SVPP has appropriate resources to run.
* Being responsible for the effective management of the team's staffing and operational budget.
* Work proactively and take responsibility to assess and mitigate partnership risk.
* Undertake quality assurance activity; including analysis of performance outcomes and compliance with statutory responsibilities.
* Promote the development of the dedicated team identity and shared objectives.
* Support staff to operate within existing and new legislation procedures and guidance.
* Ensure that there is an effective business planning process which involves all stakeholders and service users and is linked to wider planning processes.
* Model and provide good equalities practice.
* Value diversity within the team and in contact with other professionals, children, young people and families.
National statutory/legal responsibilities applicable to this role include:
* Responsibility for commissioning, coordination and delivery of statutory reviews including Safeguarding Adults Reviews, Rapid Reviews, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.
* Maintaining up to date knowledge and skills as required by the role.
Please see role description for further duties and responsibilities in detail.