Job Description
Extensively experienced operational manager with over 20 years NHS experience. MBA qualified teamed with a nursing background (RGN).
Has managed the following services: Emergency Department, Respiratory services, General Surgery, Women’s & Sexual Health, Specialist Surgery and Anaesthetics.
Efficiently led major strategic and operational change projects, impacting on the corporate agenda both in a primary and secondary care setting.
Improved ED performance by an average of 20%, from 69% to 83% for August and April 2017 at a large FT.
Effectively introduced flow-coordinators to support the flow of patients, resulting in the reduction in transfer time of approx 40% and significant improvement in the average time to treatment.
Improved ambulance handover from a moving average of 22% to 60%, with over 94.7% of hand overs undertaken in less than 30 minutes.
Successfully developed a transformational program to improve productivity and efficiencies across a range of services, to manage cost pressures and enable a program of investment to support clinical services.
Fully committed to improving patient access and providing a safe service, which meets the expectation of service users, commissioners and providers.