Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (LUHFT) wishes to appoint a Substantive Consultant Upper GI (Oesophago-Gastric) Surgeon, to be based at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH), Liverpool. The successful applicant would join the existing team of resectional Upper GI Surgeons based at RLUH.
The supra-regional Upper GI Surgical service is amongst the largest oesophago-gastric cancer units in the country. We also provide cover for complex benign Upper GI surgery, oesophago-gastric trauma and emergencies. There are currently eight Consultant Surgeons within the Upper GI Unit across RLUH and Aintree University Hospital (AUH) sites at LUHFT (6 Cancer, 2 Benign). We cover a population of over 1.5 million in the Northwest of England, and the Isle of Man, receive quaternary referrals from North Wales and undertake more than 200 complex oesophago-gastric procedures annually.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals to apply for the post of Consultant Upper GI (Oesophago-Gastric)/General Surgeon (Full time). This is a replacement post currently held by a locum.
The successful candidate will have clinical duties across LUHFT sites but will be based in the Directorate of General Surgery at the RLUH. This post is to help develop and expand the centralised Upper GI surgical service at LUHFT as well as contribute to elective General Surgery, including Day Case Surgery.
The new post holder will help meet cancer and other targets for oesophago-gastric disease and contribute to general surgical workload within the trust. Expertise in major oesophago-gastric resections for malignant disease and possession of a higher degree is essential.
Post CCT Upper GI Fellowship, expertise in Robotic surgery and advanced endoscopy would be highly desirable.
The successful candidate will join an established team of Upper GI cancer surgeons, working within the RLUH providing an Upper GI cancer resection service for Liverpool and surrounding areas. This comprises a population in excess of 1.5 million patients, and generates approximately 150 resections per year. This includes patients from across the region including patients from the catchment area of North and South Liverpool, the Wirral, St Helens and Knowsley, North Cheshire, Southport, Chester and the Isle of Man.
Expected duties will include an active role in maintaining and developing the elective Upper GI cancer service, whilst contributing equitably to the out of hours service; for both elective and emergency activity. The unit facilitates mentorship and two-consultant operating where necessary, particularly in the early years of Consultant appointment. The new appointee will have equitable working conditions to colleagues within both the Upper GI unit and wider surgical department. The Upper GI unit works as a team with a consultant ward round every day, 365 days a year. Postoperative and emergency patients are looked after by the consultants within the Upper GI team.