Factory Operative (Rotating Days AND Nights) Lutterworth (A5 Near Rugby) 6 - 6 Mon - Thur (weekly rotation between days and nights) £14.35 p/hour 9 hours per week guaranteed overtime paid at £21.50 p/hour £750 pay per week (before tax / NI etc) Full Time - Long Term Agency Starting Thursday 20th March (deal breaker) PLEASE READ THE JOB ADVERT BEFORE APPLYING Experienced factory machine operator who is confident with heavy, physical work wanted for a site that makes concrete building products. This is a manual, active role where you create mixtures, operate and mind machinery, perform housekeeping and unload the finished product by hand. A busy role with lots to do working in an environment that is fast paced, loud and a bit mucky. It's a very well paid role but we do need someone who has factory production experience (not just warehouse), drives, own car (it's impossible to get too without a car) and flexible enough to work the shift without issue (remember its 12 hour shifts working rotating days and nights) This role offers you: £14.35 p/hour plus £21.50 p/hour for the 9 hours of guaranteed overtime each week. 48 hours paid per week. Weekly pay via SolviT Recruitment. Excellent facilities. Lots of overtime. Job security - this is a VERY long-term assignment, APPLY NOW If you can start on Thursday 20th March (deal breaker), you drive, can work the shift and are happy with manual work then you need to apply now, just respond back to this advert with your CV and we will be in touch. Respectful - please pick up the phone when we call from a 01455 number. WeCanSolvIT