There are various volunteering opportunities available within North Ayrshire.
Please browse the selection below to find a suitable volunteering opportunity in your local area:
At the heart of guiding are the unit meetings that girls go along to regularly. Volunteering at unit meetings means getting stuck in, meeting new people and running activities that help girls know they can do anything. You’ll volunteer directly with young people and can choose to work with girls of different age groups between 4 and 18 years in Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers. Unit meetings are usually once a week for around an hour plus prep time.
Lots of new volunteers start out as a helper at regular unit meetings. You’ll work alongside other volunteers to give girls fun, friendship, challenge and adventure. There's no responsibility for planning in this role but you'll be the extra pair of hands needed to make unit meetings happen. Register your interest to find out about unit helper roles near you.
Experience required
You don't need to have been involved in guiding before or have loads of time to make a big difference. Whatever your skills and interests, whether it’s volunteering with girls directly or supporting behind the scenes, there’s a role to suit you.
Travel expenses
Volunteers can claim reasonable expenses.
All Girlguiding volunteers are supported to complete our Safeguarding module - A Safe Space - via our online learning and development platform. The platform also contains lots of optional training modules to help you develop in your role and gain transferable skills.
If you plan to volunteer with girls, our local volunteers will be able to arrange a taster visit to a unit meeting (either where you hope to volunteer, or somewhere else). It's a great way to get an idea of how meetings are run, talk to other volunteers and pick up activity tips and ideas. It'll also give you a chance to get a feel for our different age groups before deciding which one you'd like to volunteer with.
Minimum age: 18
To keep our members safe, anyone over 18 who wants to volunteer for Girlguiding must complete the recruitment and vetting process relevant to the role they're applying for (including reference and disclosure checks).
Frequency & commitment
Unit meetings are usually once a week for around an hour plus prep time. If you can't make a weekly commitment, you can still register your interest in supporting in other ways.
Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.