CLINICAL Responsible for assessing patient needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of a programme of care which is evidence based utilising all available resources taking into consideration the lifestyle, gender and cultural background and ensure involvement with the patient, family, carers and significant others. Continuously assesses condition of patients including suitability for discharge. Organise own workload and that of junior staff/students to ensure that the interests of the patients/clients are met. Contributes to the effective and economical use of resources and safe use of equipment. Carries out nursing duties within Trust policies, procedures and guidelines under the directionof the ward/department manager and providing feedback of issues of concern. Practices systems and models of nursing and evidence based care which contribute to the quality of the patients experience. Contributes to the performance management through the efficient delivery of care. Works as part of the multidisciplinary team fostering good interdepartmental relationships and helping to achieve high morale for patients and staff and continuous quality improvement. Continuously develops relevant skills and knowledge within the clinical specialty. Promotes health education involves patients and carers appropriately in decision making. Deals effectively and sensitively with patients/relatives/carers issues/concerns collaboratingwith the PALS service, follows the Trust Policy on handling complaints. Actively participates in the clinical governance process. Works within national policy frameworks relevant to the patient group and specialty area i.e. Child Protection, Vulnerable Adults, Mental Health Act. Participates in and supports national strategy for service development i.e. National Service Frameworks, Cancer Plan & Collaboratives. Formally documents care given in line with Trust policies and procedure and in order tomaintain accurate patient records. Ward based staff may handle small amounts of cash and take responsibility for the recording and safe storage of patients valuables. LEADERSHIP Takes individual responsibility and recognises corporate responsibility for NHS Agendas i.e. Investors in People, Agenda for Change, Improving Working Lives, Learning together Working Together, Patient & Public Involvement. Participates in service development, identifies and promotes the need for change and works within a change management process to motivate others. Participates in leadership activities within the clinical team and supports the maintenance of acohesive multi-disciplinary and multi-organisational team. Takes charge of the ward/department in the absence of the ward/department manager or asrequired, leading the clinical team and ensuring adherence to all policies. Performance is monitored on an ongoing basis and participates in Individual Performance Review annually. Conducts appraisal of junior staff Attends and contributes to ward/department meetings. EDUCATION Takes responsibility for teaching, supervising, mentoring and assessing all grades of staff undertaking continuing development and students undertaking programmes leading to professional qualifications. Undertakes clinical supervision and acts as a supervisor of others. Undertakes mandatory training within required timescales, meets training requirements andachieves timely update. Undertakes relevant clinical courses to develop specialist knowledge & skills. Participates in education activities as a key worker and cascade trainer. Creates and maintains a learning environment and promotes a learning culture for all staff andstudents and promotes the use of E-learning to meet CNST standards. Supports learners in order to ensure understanding of the relevance of R&D to the provision of quality care. RESEARCH Responsible for the implementation of evidence based nursing care. Carries out relevant literature searches pertinent to patient care. Carries out nursing care audit. Develops research questions arising from clinical challenges. Produces reports and disseminates information to colleagues across the Trust. Contributes to the R&D developmental plan for ward/department. Understands the process of writing a research proposal and is aware of the Trust R&D Approval policy and the process for ethical approval.