On-call cover will be shared with colleagues and is currently a 1 in 10 rota. There are departmental laptop computers which can be used for viewing CT images remotely when on-call. There are also processes taking place to allow home reporting. Some cross site working will be required, such as at the Stratford Hospital site There are regular reporting discrepancy meetings in line with the current RCR guidelines, and each consultant is expected to take an active part in these meetings. These are regularly currently held on a Wednesday and are part of SPA activity, as are monthly Radiology Management meetings Currently there are three radiology trainees based at SWFT and there are opportunities to undertake teaching for them. Meetings are usually held in the hospital post-graduate centre where there are two large lecture rooms, tutorial rooms and a dining area. There is a separate medical school block containing lecture and tutorial rooms. All of the teaching rooms have computers with access to the hospital PACS system. Warwick Hospital plays a key role in the teaching and examination of graduate entry medical students from the University of Warwick and the University of Buckingham. There may be the opportunity for the post holder to take part in undergraduate teaching or radiology registrar training if appropriate. Please see job description for further details