We are looking for a Senior Clinical Fellow to join the Vascular Department on a 12-month fixed term contract. The new appointee will have duties in the hub and across the spoke sites Wigan,MorecambeBayorBlackpool.
ThenetworkhasatotaloftwelveVascularConsultants, and the successful candidate will be one of a team of 9 Middle Gradesworking across the four trusts, participating in a “Vascular Surgeon of the Week” andaseparatevascularoncallandweekendrota.
The Middle Grade “VascularSurgeon of the Week” supports consultant led dailyward rounds, coordination, assessment, and management of emergency referrals.Whilstworkingas“VascularSurgeonoftheWeek”,allelectivedutiesarecancelled.
The successful applicant will participate in a planned 1:9 middle grade “vascularsurgeon of the week” weekday 8am-5pm rota and a separate 1:9 on-call rota, bothbased in the Intervention Centre.The vascular surgeon of the week (VSOTW),whoseroutinedutiesarecancelledfortheweek,isresponsiblefordailywardrounds,emergencyreferralsandadmissionsandcoordinatingandundertakingemergencyinterventions.
The post-holder is likely to have day case and out-patient duties in the spoke trustsand affiliated hospitals, and he / she will be responsible for assessing in-housereferrals arising at these sites.Job plans are arranged in order that each non-arterialtrust has a consultant and/or middle grade vascular surgical presence on at leastthreedays perweek.
• Specificallyadopt,inconjunctionwithcolleagues,anactiveroleinplanning,developmentanddeliveryofthevascularserviceinabusyvascularunit.
• Participate in the weekly network MDT meetings with colleagues from all disciplinesinvolvedin thecareof vascularpatients.
• Participateinthe outof hoursvascularon-callrota.
• Provideactivitysupportinthenon-interventioncentrehospitaltrusts(Wigan,BlackpoolorMorecambe Bay).
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is a majorVascular Intervention Centre for Lancashire and South Cumbria.The VascularCentre was established in 2015 and serves the populations of neighbouring hospitals in Wigan,BlackpoolandMorecambeBay,apopulationofapproximately1.5million.
Out-patient,day-caseanddiagnosticworkcontinuesintheselocaltrusts,withVascular Consultants bringing all elective inpatient cases to the centre, as well asparticipating in an emergency vascular on-call rota, all emergencies coming to thecentre.This model conforms to the “hub and spoke” network recommended by theVascularSociety of Great Britain andIreland.
The post holder will receive the full support of the Trust and the Directorate todevelop specialist areas of interest in line with Directorate business plans and thedevelopmentof services generally withintheTrust
Please refer to the attached Job description, Person specification and Specialty/ Trust Brochure for further details on:
• What we can offer
• Job Plan/On-call Requirements
• The Team
This advert closes on Monday 16 Dec 2024