Clinical duties in the prison are similar to those of a consultant in a CMHT. Whilst retaining the medical oversight for all the patients in the service the consultant will see new patients referred by the rest of the team. Participation in CPA and occasionally in sentence planning/risk management meetings is expected. The post holder will be involved with the multi-disciplinary team in the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders in HMP Fosse Way and may at times be asked to cover some of the other prisons in the directorate. The referral rates in different prisons vary with more referrals in remand prisons. However, there is additional consultant manpower in both the prisons. All new referrals, both from reception and following self-referrals are screened and assessed by mental health team and allocated accordingly. Some of these, around 1 in 5 would need to be assessed by a psychiatrist as well. The post holder would be expected to see around 10 new and follow up patients in a day. All patients on the caseload of the consultant would be case managed by a mental health nurse and would be provided psychological therapies as and when appropriate.