The post holder will be accountable to the Team Leader/Team Manager of the Supervised Contact Service.
To ensure delivery of supervised contact and family support services.
To supervise and ensure the safe conveyance of children and young people to and from contact venues.
To use observation and assessment skills appropriately to provide detailed and accurate recording.
To provide records and reports which:
Are kept to the standard set by the Service using new technology.
Reflect working in partnership with families.
Reflect the objectives and purpose of the Supervised Contact contract.
Support social workers in their work with vulnerable children and young people, their families and/or carers.
Are shared with other relevant professionals.
To ensure that feedback is obtained from families through questions/feedback on the quality of the service received.
To promote the participation of users and carers in all aspects of the service and to liaise with other agencies whenever necessary.
To provide supervised contact at a range of venues throughout County Durham.
To assist the manager in ensuring the designated venues are safe and appropriate for supervised contact.
To support the Team Leader/Team Manager in providing a safe service delivery including assessment and management of risk.
To ensure that conditions of work and the environment comply with Health and Safety legislation.
To represent the service at a range of forums including case conferences and reviews.
To adhere to published policies, standards and procedures in the delivery of the service.
To notify providers and quality controllers about deficiencies in the standards of services.
To inform service planners about unmet needs and gaps and shortfalls in provision.
To undertake training, as required, to meet the needs of the service.
To support other services within Children’s Social Care.
Undertake any such duties assigned by the Director of Children and Young People’s Services or duly authorised officers, commensurate with the grade of the post.
To work flexibly within the hours of operation to best meet the needs of the service. This will include, as required, some weekend working and extended office hours within contracted weekly hours.
The candidates must have:
NVQ level 3 (Childcare and Education or Early Years Care and Education), NNEB/CACHE Diploma (Childcare and Education) or BTEC/EDEXEL (Childhood Studies - Nursery Nursing), Early Years Teaching Certificate or equivalent relevant qualification
Relevant experience of working with children and families
Relevant early years’ experience
Ability to form relationships with users and their families / carers which value their contribution
Effective verbaland written communication skills
Ability to monitor agreed plans of care management
Ability to assimilate information quickly and respond promptly
Literate and numerate
Knowledge of child development
Knowledge of the Children Act
Knowledge of Local Safeguarding Children Board Procedures
Work with other agencies – commissioners and providers
Work as a member of a team and to accept delegated responsibility
Commitment to equal opportunities
Non-judgemental attitude to people
Enthusiastic and friendly attitude to work
Ability to work flexibly
Current driving licence/car owner or access to a means of mobility support. If driving must have current valid driving licence and appropriate insurance.
The Supporting Family Time Team is a county wide 7-day service supporting children and their families have safe and meaningful supervised time together.
Applicants must have driving licence, business insurance, be flexible and willing to travel across the county.
This is a minimum of 8 hours contract with a variety of hours available, Monday – Friday as well as Saturdays and Sundays. We need flexible individuals who can commit to doing weekends and after school family time. Must have level 3 in childcare qualification or equivalent.
Must have relevant experience working with children and families. Interviews via Microsoft teams.
A DBS check is required for this role.
Pay rate: £12.18p/hr