An exciting new opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated and enthusiastic clinical pharmacist with excellent clinical and interpersonal skills to support a high-quality service to the Surgical Specialist Division based at Westmoreland Street. As the post is part time and there will be an opportunity for flexible working, but which needs to help support the Andrology team within the Urology Division and rest of the Pharmacy team.
Over recent years the challenges for outpatient services have increased, with a growing backlog in all services, despite some of the highest service activity across London. Increased capacity tied to transformation is vital to reduce the growing waiting list.
As a senior clinical pharmacist, you will be responsible for supporting your Division in ensuring that our service users’ needs are met through the delivery of high-quality care. As a centre of excellence, you will offer a person-centred approach towards patients’ treatment.
The successful candidate will be joining the largest and most prestigious Urological Department in the UK. We are a highly specialist department seeing referrals from across the UK and abroad as well as being a center for excellence and research, you will have an opportunity to contribute to service development and quality improvement projects within the Urology Services Division.
This new role will:
1. Set up triage for new GP ED referrals and give advice on medication to GPs on first line treatments, diverting significant number of referrals that could be managed in primary care.
2. Provide guidance to GPs and patients about their eligibility for future treatments.
3. Work with the operational team and NCL ICB on procurement and prescription process for vacuum pump devices.
4. Aim to standardise post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction pathways and identify workforce needed due to increase in robotic prostatectomies at UCLH.
5. Support operational team with demand and capacity modelling and workforce review, and how the changes to the service will be maintained after this trial period.
You will work as part of the Surgical Speciality multidisciplinary team (MDT), delivering the highest quality service for both inpatients and outpatients, working closely with the Urology consultants, clinical fellows, clinical nurse specialists, managers and other healthcare professionals.
Your duties will include collaborating closely with Andrology team within the Urology Division and providing specialist advice to optimise patient care. You will use your independent prescribing skills in both the inpatient and outpatient setting to optimise the prescribing of specialist or supportive medications.
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) is one of the most complex NHS trusts in the UK, serving a large and diverse population. We provide academically led acute and specialist services, to people from the local area, from throughout the United Kingdom and overseas. Our vision is to deliver top-quality patient care, excellent education, and world-class research.
We provide first-class acute and specialist services across eight sites:
1. University College Hospital (incorporating the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing)
2. National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
3. Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals
4. University College Hospital Grafton Way Building
5. Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
6. University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre
7. The Hospital for Tropical Diseases
8. University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street
We are dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of many complex illnesses. UCLH specialises in women’s health and the treatment of cancer, infection, neurological, gastrointestinal and oral disease. It has world class support services including critical care, imaging, nuclear medicine and pathology.
We are committed to sustainability and have pledged to become a carbon net zero health service, embedding sustainable practice throughout UCLH. We have set an ambitious target of net zero for our direct emissions by 2031 and indirect emissions by 2040.
For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Dipty Joshi Job title: Lead Pharmacist for Surgical Speciality Email address:
For Further Information Or An Informal Discussion, Please Contact
Dipty Joshi, Lead Pharmacist for Surgical Speciality
Telephone: 020 345 63030