Under the terms of the new consultant contract (2003) the basic full-time Job Plan contains ten Programmed Activities (PAs) of 4 hours each. The 10 PA allocation will be a mixture of DCC, clinical simulation and SPA. All full-time posts will be offered a minimum of 1.5 SPAs up to a maximum of 2.5 SPAs depending upon the requirements of the role, although the actual ratio may vary and will depend on the specific, identifiable and agreed contributions in various areas (see below). There will be two protected PAs (equating to one day per week) in clinical simulation to be taken in Mexborough Montagu Clinical Simulation Centre. There is recognition and remuneration for out-of-hours availability as per the national terms and conditions and for any mutually agreed additional activity, if applicable. Any appointee wishing to undertake Private Practice will be required to offer the Trust an 11th PA, which the Trust may or may not wish to take up. The Trust may also independently wish to offer an additional 11th PA to the appointee, irrespective of any anticipated involvement in Private Practice. 1.5 SPAs should be set aside to meet the requirements of proof of fitness to practice including personal internal CPD including participation in clinical meetings, private study and document review, audit and clinical governance issues (clinical incident reports, risk management, complaint responses etc) as well as preparation for, and full engagement in, personal appraisal, assessment and job planning. Attendance at mandatory meetings (e.g. Resuscitation and Fire lectures, Equal opportunity training) is included under this heading. Time for attendance at other general Trust and Directorate meetings (e.g. Hospital Medical Committee and Consultants communication meetings) would also be included here. The list is not intended to be exclusive. Assessment of satisfactory engagement in these areas forms part of the annual appraisal process. It is recognised that the time spent in other Supporting Activities will depend on individual involvement and specific circumstances and may vary significantly both between individuals and over time. Time spent on these activities will need to be accounted for as part of the annual appraisal and job planning process, and the Trust reserves the right to modify the Job Plan accordingly in discussion with the appointee. There may be circumstances where additional SPA time (above the average 2.5) is required to fulfil all the agreed additional commitments, which may necessitate an agreed reduction in clinical time. Equally there may be circumstances where an agreed reduction in SPA time (below the average 2.5) is appropriate, with the potential for additional clinical involvement within the overall PA allocation. Any altered commitments under this section will need to be agreed in advance with the Divisional Director and General Manager so as not to disadvantage clinical activity within the Division. Additional SPA allocation may be achieved by delivering a role, e.g. Educational Supervision, Governance Lead, etc. This agreement is subject to review. Categories under this heading include: Formal teaching of undergraduates / postgraduates, Junior staff supervision, College Tutors Being a Trust Appraiser Agreed formal Trust committee involvement (e.g. Drug and Therapeutics Committee, Ethics Committee, Cancer Steering Group, Specialty subgroups etc) Clinical Governance Lead Lead clinicians (cancer etc) The duties of the post may be changed with the agreement of the post holder. An annual review of duties will take place with the Divisional Director as part of the Job Plan process. Education and Development: In addition to the previously described simulation responsibility, there is a wide teaching role within the post, to train medical students, nurses and junior doctors, as they rotate through the department. It is expected that the post-holder will be a clinical/educational supervisor to some of the training doctors on rotation, as well as taking part in their regular weekly teaching timetable. 1hr/week SPA time is afforded for this role. There is a monthly all staff teaching session which the post holder will be expected to attend and contribute to. This includes a regular audit meeting, where again, consultant contribution is expected. The study leave allowance is 30 days/3 years pro-rata. It is expected that these will be used, in addition to SPA time, for CPD towards revalidation as per the recommendations of the Royal College and the various specialty bodies. The trust is fully committed to supporting and assuring revalidation, by way of a dedicated support team and IT infrastructure package. The trust has a programme of mandatory training which all consultants are expected to undertake. For appointees new to the consultant role, or who may have had a career break, the department strongly encourages mentorship support Clinical Governance: Attendance at the monthly specialty clinical governance group is expected. Further contribution to clinical governance activities in the form of local, regional and national audit participation, guideline writing/updating, and undertaking other relevant projects would also be expected. Management and Leadership: There will be an expectation to take on management roles, such as Specialty or Foundation training co-ordinator, education lead or clinical governance lead. For any of these roles, additional SPA time would be granted. Research: The Trust has an active Research and Development Department, and provides access to research nurse support, participation in research is encouraged. This may take the form of personal local projects, or collaboration in regional or national projects, such as the current PrEP IMPACT study. Recent years have seen tremendous advances within the Trust, culminating in the attainment of Teaching Hospital status in January 2017. Central to this achievement remains the long-standing commitment of the Trust to deliver a quality, patient centred research programme. The research agenda will continue to be aligned with and influence changes in clinical services delivered within the Trust. We will achieve this through working with colleagues to capitalise on effective internal partnerships between clinical and corporate Trust areas, as well as maximising opportunities for collaborations with regional, national and international partners. The strategy complements a number of other enabling strategies to deliver the Trust Strategic Direction 2017-2022, notably; Clinical Quality and Governance Quality Improvement and Innovation People and Organisational Development Communications and Engagement Information and Digital Estate and Facilities Support: The post holder will have a dedicated office space and secretarial support, shared with the other consultants. The trust has comprehensive IT services, which ably support all aspects of the role. Mandatory Training (Statutory and Essential Training): All staff are required to abide by all Trust Policies and Procedures, details of which can be accessed via the Trust Intranet, and are required to comply with Mandatory Training requirements. In particular, medical staff should be aware of, and comply with, infection control and safeguarding requirements.