Main Purpose and Qualities
The Deputy Headteacher will work under the direction of the Headteacher and take a major role in:
1. Formulating the aims and objectives of the school
2. Establishing policies for achieving these aims and objectives
3. Managing staff and resources to that end
4. Monitoring progress towards the achievement of the school's aims and objectives
5. Providing leadership and management of the teaching and learning of all primary and secondary learners.
6. In partnership, will be responsible for ensuring the educational success of the School within the overall framework of the vision, values and ethos of the directors as well as the school's development plan.
7. Taking a lead role in the monitoring and evaluation of standards across the whole school and being a leading professional.
8. Actively promoting effective teaching and learning practices across the school with a deliberate focus on learner progress from starting points.
9. Upholding public trust in school leadership and maintaining high standards of ethics, behaviour and professional conduct.
10. Networking and building positive and respectful relationships across the school community.
11. Supporting the school in expanding across all key stages.
12. Serving in the best interest of the school's pupils.
This is a senior post within the school's staffing structure. The Deputy Headteacher will be required to meet the general requirements of the post as specified in leadership standards. In addition, they will be required to deputise for the Headteacher in their absence and fulfil any reasonable expectations as directed by the Headteacher.
The post holder will be expected to network and liaise across the range of external providers, schools, community, and coordinator networks to ensure a consistency of approach regarding standards, support, transition and high-quality learning and teaching.
Support the school in expanding up and down i.e. EYFS, KS3 and above.
Teaching, Curriculum and Assessment
Under the direction of the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher will:
1. Establish and sustain high-quality teaching across all subjects and phases, based on evidence.
2. Ensure teaching is underpinned by subject expertise.
3. Effectively use formative assessment to inform strategy and decisions.
4. Ensure the teaching of a broad, structured and coherent curriculum.
5. Establish curriculum leadership, including subject leaders with relevant expertise and access to professional networks and communities.
6. Use valid, reliable and proportionate approaches to assessing pupils' knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
7. Ensure the use of evidence-informed approaches to reading so that all pupils are taught to read.
8. Promote a culture and practices that enables all pupils to access the curriculum and be proactive in their own learning.
9. Have ambitious expectations for all pupils with SEN and disabilities.
10. Ensure the school works effectively with parents, carers and professionals to identify additional needs and provide support and adaptation where appropriate.
11. Ensure the school fulfils statutory duties regarding the SEND code of practice.
School Culture and Behaviour
Under the direction of the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher will:
1. Work alongside the senior leadership team (SLT) and other staff members to create a culture where pupils experience a positive and enriching school life.
2. Uphold educational standards in order to prepare pupils from all backgrounds for their next phase of education and life.
3. Ensure a culture of staff professionalism.
4. Encourage high standards of behaviour from pupils, built on rules and routines that are understood by staff and pupils, and clearly demonstrated by all adults in school.
5. Use consistent and fair approaches to managing behaviour, in line with the school's behaviour policy.