VisArts’ Emerging Curator Program offers a unique opportunity for an Emerging Curator to work with an experienced Mentoring Curator to develop and present an exhibition and assist in the presentation of the mentor’s exhibition.
VisArts provides the Emerging Curator with an exhibition budget of $10,000. Additional funding and staff support for printing, promotions, and execution of exhibition programming is available.
The program is one year and begins every January. The selection panel includes VisArts’ curators, the Artist Advisory Council, and the Mentoring Curator.
The Emerging Curator and Mentoring Curator work together to expand education programming and enhance visitor experiences by developing tools, templates, technological enhancements, and funding strategies to support public programming that promotes social interaction, creative exchange, and audience engagement.
The Emerging Curator Program provides Emerging Curators with practical, hands-on experience at a community arts organization.
It’s designed to support diverse exhibitions presenting a broad spectrum of ideas and curatorial approaches, and to enhance the VisArts exhibition experience by developing educational initiatives, public programming, and opportunities for community engagement through expanded use of interactive, interpretive media.
VisArts’ Emerging Curator Program is generously supported by a grant from the Windgate Foundation.