Recruit Ins are looking for a Global TPA Motor Handler within the UK TPA team for a global adjusting company.As a Motor Claims Handler you will be responsible for processing and investigating insurance claims relating to customers' Motor policies. This will involve working with the policy holder, colleagues and other professionals to ensure that the claim is valid. The role of a motor claims handler is predominantly to process a customer's insurance claim. You'll be involved in managing a claim from the start through to settlement, making important decisions on the claim, and checking for any potential fraudulent activity. You will be involved in the handling of Motor vehicle damage and injury claims and will need to have a good understanding of the sector and laws surrounding these. You'll be assisting with providing the customer any other services that may be required following an accident or incident.Motor Claims Handler Job Role Handling of Motor claims from the start to the settlement You will be involved in managing a claim from start to finish through to settlement. You will be required to carry out investigations with the client to enable you to make the correct liability decision. Investigating the extent and validity of a claim and checking for any potential fraudulent activity. You will coordinate services that may be required by the claimant following an accident or incident. Be able to manage claims via the MOJ Portal, including key dates and how to manage a stage 2 and 3 pack. Be able to manage claims via the OIC portal. Collecting relevant information and documentation in support of the claim and ensuring a record of this is kept updated within the system, including liaising with law firms to facilitate medical reports. Speaking to customers, third parties, lawyers, medical professionals and other relevant parties and advising them on any issues that may arise. Understanding medical terms and being able to read and translate medical reports Understanding, adjusting and negotiating hire payment packs Liaising with adjusters, examiners and investigators to evaluate the insurance claim Investigate the claim to ensure it’s genuine. Working with risk analysts, brokers, underwriters and other relevant parties to reach settlement Ensuring a fair settlement and good customer service for the client Our IT system has been designed in the main by us to help you do your job effectively and provide you with all the tools you need. You will be able to see your outstanding tasks and manage your workload. You’ll have your own phone and direct line, as well as access to relevant mailboxes so that you can deal with emails. Motor Claims Handler Skills Required Previous experience with handling and investigating Injury and motor claims and managing your own portfolio. You will knave knowledge of how the MOJ and OIC portal works, the key dates involved and how to manage stage 2 and 3 packs. Have knowledge of how to deal with a claim involving wage loss and the importance of having an up to date CRU certificate. You will have knowledge of how to handle bodily injury claims and have experience handling claims through to litigation You will have knowledge on how to value an injury claim and what tools to use to enable you to do this. Have an understanding of how to utilise BHR and negotiate credit hire. Have experience of providing intervention and an awareness of the importance of the relevant case laws. Experience reviewing AUDATEX reports and engineers reports Liaising with adjusters, engineers and investigators to evaluate the insurance claim Liaising with customers and third parties, and other relevant parties and advising them on any issues that arise. Strong phone and verbal communication skills along with active listening. Ability to multi-task, set priorities, and manage time effectively Knowledge of Microsoft Office i.e. Word, Outlook, Excel Previous experience in working alongside engineers to determine the level of damage caused and be able to build good working relationships with them and other professionals. A good understanding of the legal system Motor Claims Handler Benefits Home based however must be able to travel to our Manchester and London offices for training, client meetings etc.Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm.Access to private healthcarePension 8% company 2% employeeTraining and qualifications encouragedPerformance based yearly bonusesApply now and if you have relevant experience, you will be contacted