Capital City Partnership (CCP) is an arm’s length company of The City of Edinburgh Council and is tasked with the operational development, management and support of local and regional employability and poverty reduction measures. It takes a flexible approach to changing economic conditions, needs and opportunities but its core functions comprise:
* The management of all employability related grants and contracts awarded to external providers by the council and other key partners.
* The management of assessment processes related to bids received for such grants and contracts and making recommendations for funding.
* The provision of policy advice, research, and development support (including secretariat functions) to the city’s Local Employability Partnership and partners.
* The development and maintenance of common communications and management information infrastructure for the Local Employability Partnership.
* Development and support of the Joined Up for Jobs network and the Joined Up for Business partnership.
* Management and coordination of skills centres based on geographical location, including Fort Kinnaird Recruitment and Skills Centre, MacMillan Skills Hub, and FUSE at St James Quarter.
* Provision of support to the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Integrated Enhanced Skills (IRES) programme.
Job Purpose
This post is funded by the Integrated Regional Enhanced Skills programme as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. The core job purpose is to set up a new regional Skills Boot Camp offer based on the successful models already developed and operationally running in England. We will be responding to the rapidly growing sectors in the region to offer a skills solution and attract in new talent.
Skills Boot Camps are employer led and offer short term training and guaranteed interviews with employers in growth sectors that require higher skills. Training typically can last up to 16 weeks and is often delivered flexibly (on-line, evening and weekends for example) to enable those who are already working or with other responsibilities to upskill into a new sector. Training is delivered by colleges or training providers who manage the full qualification delivery and accreditation.
The successful candidate will have a strategic and operational remit, linking with the wider regional skills landscape with a significant role in working directly with colleges, training providers and recruiting employers.
We anticipate setting up this new model and the required framework to draw off from to run programmes will take a minimum of a year. The initial focus is therefore about development and infrastructure and not delivery.
The Skills Boot Camp Manager will develop and oversee an overall implementation plan for the project with timelines and milestones and deliver this. We anticipate visits to other locations to understand their Skills Boot Camp approach and learning from their practice will be a crucial element of this stage. We have good relationships in place from those already delivering Skills Boot Camps to offer mentoring and support to the successful candidate, especially around how to create a framework. We also have experience of creating and currently running a similar model for entry level jobs.
Partnership working and networking will be a key element of a successful approach, and the successful candidate will be expected to engage with a wide range of agencies including Edinburgh College, Borders College, West Lothian College and Fife College, and training providers. Establishing a new Employer Enterprise Board to oversee the offer will also be required.
Some travel to England will be initially required to get to know successful approaches and understand the models being offered. After this, we anticipate relationships, and any ongoing support can be managed virtually via TEAMS.
* CCP encourages applications from people from ethnically diverse backgrounds.
* We are keen to receive applications from people who wish to work flexibly.