Ewell Castle is a thriving, independent school located in leafy Ewell Village. The school is co-educational from Nursery to Sixth Form and enjoys small classes, averaging approximately fifteen pupils over the whole School. Ewell Castle has an excellent reputation for its family-friendly ethos, with a strong focus on pupil wellbeing and personalised learning. The School has a vibrant community spirit and is a genuine mixed ability school with a focus on helping every child to thrive.
We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated and suitably experienced professional to undertake the role of Teacher of Science from Key stage 2 - Key stage 4. We will expect you to teach across the full age and ability range in the Senior School and take opportunities to work collaboratively with the Prep School, in order to ensure the highest possible standards of pupil achievement and development.
Please note that we reserve the right to appoint before the closing date.