** Please include supporting information along with your CV when submitting your application ** Primary Duties & Areas of Responsibilities The post holder will work with the Integrated Pharmacy Team, Jurassic Coast PCN practices, Clinical Directors, and the PCN Operations Manager. They will contribute to this workload, supporting the Principal Clinical Pharmacist in leadership and delegation responsibilities. Patient Facing Long Term Conditions See patients in multi-morbidity clinics and implement improvements to patients medicines, including deprescribing. Caseload management for long-term conditions, prescribing as an independent prescriber (e.g. angina symptom control, warfarin monitoring). Review ongoing medicine needs, monitoring, and adherence (medicines optimisation). Patient Facing Structured Medication Review (SMR) Undertake SMRs for patients with polypharmacy and multi-morbidity, implementing prescribing changes. Support practices in delivering QOF Quality Improvement requirements. Participate in multidisciplinary case conferences and develop care plans. Management of Common/Minor/Self-limiting Ailments Manage patients with common ailments, staying within scope of practice. Refer to GPs or other professionals as needed. Support Triage Hub for diagnosis of acute/common conditions. Patient Facing Medicines Support Offer clinics for patients with concerns about their medicines. Telephone Medicines Support Develop and provide a telephone helpline for medicine-related queries. Medicine Information to Practice Staff and Patients Answer medicine-related queries from GPs, staff, and patients, suggesting solutions. Follow-up to monitor the effect of changes. Unplanned Hospital Admissions Identify patients at risk of unplanned admissions due to medicines. Collaborate with case managers, hospital colleagues, and virtual ward teams to manage medication risks. Management of Medicines at Discharge from Hospital Reconcile medicines post-discharge, managing changes without GP referral. Provide care plans and follow-up for medication management post-discharge. Ensure continuity of medicines supply to high-risk groups. Telephone Triage Ensure appropriate healthcare referrals for patients based on their needs. Repeat Prescribing Develop and manage repeat prescribing policies, ensuring appropriate reviews and monitoring. Risk Stratification Design and implement searches to identify patients at high risk of medicine-related harm. Work with the primary care team to reduce risks through medicines optimisation. Service Development Develop new services based on new medicines or NICE guidance, creating care pathways. Information Management Analyze and present medicine data to support decision-making. Medicines Quality Improvement Programmes Work with the Principal Clinical Pharmacist to identify areas for prescribing and optimisation. Conduct audits, lead improvement projects, and participate in research. Medicines Safety Monitor policy changes affecting medicine safety and ensure their implementation. Care Quality Commission Support practices in achieving CQC compliance with medicines-related standards. Implementation of Local and National Guidelines Monitor prescribing practices against local formulary guidelines. Liaise with hospital colleagues for shared care. Assist in setting and maintaining PCN formularies. Education and Training Support the Principal Clinical Pharmacist in educating the primary healthcare team on therapeutics. Provide training to medical and healthcare students. Collaborative Working Relationships Support public health campaigns and collaborate with CCGs, community pharmacies, and other providers. Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required Experience with common acute and long-term conditions. Minimum 5 years post-graduate pharmacy experience. Independent prescribing qualification or working towards it. Ability to plan, manage, and review pharmaceutical care programmes. Leadership Demonstrates understanding of governance and engages with the vision of the workplace. Provides leadership, motivation, and fosters equality, diversity, and openness. Mentors and leads a team, driving improvement within service limitations. Management Understands national priorities and manages resources effectively. Identifies and resolves risk management issues, follows policies, and leads change. Education, Training, and Development Provides role-model behavior and mentorship within the team. Conducts teaching and assessment effectively and supports continuous development. Research and Evaluation Critically evaluates literature, identifies gaps in evidence, and applies research to practice. Health and Safety/Risk Management Complies with health and safety policies and data protection laws. Equality and Diversity Adheres to policies promoting equality in the workplace and ensures non-discrimination. Respect for Patient Confidentiality Maintains patient confidentiality, disclosing information only as required by the role. Special Working Conditions Requires travel between PCN sites and contact with body fluids in clinical practice. Job Description Agreement This description provides an outline of key responsibilities but may evolve based on PCN needs. The post-holder may take on additional duties as required to ensure efficient practice operations.