Leadership of dental strategy Providing Dental expertise to and oversight to the ICB in developing and implementing strategic plans including leading and supporting access improvement plans. Engaging dental clinical teams and expertise Influencing, leading and supporting the development of excellent relationships across the ICB to enable collaboration for better patient outcomes Workforce development within country Supporting development and implementation of training pathways for dental care professionals locally, working in conjunction with NHSE Workforce, Training and Education team Offering mentorship to 12 month dental fellowship scheme Input on dental care professionals pathway in joint working with University of Plymouth Strategical oversight of local apprenticeships development with available College providers Providing strategic leadership for workforce development, through assessment of clinical skill-mix and development of ICB workforce strategy Improving Quality and Outcomes Responsible for holding staff to the highest integrity by adhering to all government regulations and obligations under the General Dental Council Key Working Relationships Key working relationships will be: Office of the Clinical Executive Place Directors Public Health Directorate at Cornwall County Council Dental clinical teams providing dental services across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly including secondary, community and primary care NHS providers Local Dental Committee Patient and Family representatives Primary Care Networks and Primary Health Care Teams Regional Dental Public Health Team and Regional Dental Workforce Team Local Dental Network (LDN) and Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs) NHSE Workforce, Training and Education Directorate Health Care Public Health Directorate NHSE directorates for commissioning and transformation Freedom to act The post-holder will work to annual priorities with clear objectives as defined with and agreed by the Chief Medical Officer and Relationship Director for Primary Care The individual will be expected to make suggestions to the Director and to the Dental Strategy Group and will have autonomy to undertake their role. The progress of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICBs plans to improve NHS dentistry will be monitored by the ICBs Primary Care Commissioning Committee. We will be held to account by the ICB Board, Cornwalls Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and by NHSE. Our responsibility is ultimately to the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and they will be key in judging whether our plans are delivered successfully.