The Admiral Nurse team has been established as a partnership between Kirklees Local Authority, NHS Kirklees and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Dementia UK. Admiral Nurses are specialist mental health nurses working in the field of dementia. They work primarily with carers and supporters of people with dementia and offer consultancy to professionals providing care for people with dementia. The education and development work undertaken by Admiral Nurses focuses on improving dementia services for all stakeholders. To provide specialist nursing assessment, evidence based intervention, advice and support for family carers of people with dementia and where appropriate people with dementia themselves, at all stages including bereavement. To offer expertise and guidance to professional colleagues, the general public and others in supporting family and relationship-centred approaches and best practice in dementia care. To assist with the development, evaluation and audit of this specialist area of practice and of the service. To provide clinical advice, support, liaison, education and training to other staff/agencies. To use the Admiral Nurse competency framework to support the development of own Admiral Nursing practice. To participate in, make effective use of and provide clinical supervision in negotiated circumstances. Admiral Nurses are competent practitioners. They are able to demonstrate acquisition and performance of necessary professional characteristics, to an agreed standard over the range of their practice, as detailed in the Admiral Nurse Competency Framework. Practice underpinned by the Admiral Nurse Competency Framework is considered essential. Admiral Nurses at Band 6 level may be competent at any one of the three levels of competency intermediate, advanced or expert. The person appointed to the post of Admiral Nurse will be employed by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and line managed by the Admiral Nurse Clinical Lead. The post-holder will join the national network of Admiral Nurses and will benefit from the practice development framework for Admiral Nursing provided by Dementia UK. This comprises education, training and development, clinical supervision, and support with research, evaluation and audit. We are aware that an increasing number of applicants are using AI technology to generate responses on NHS Job application forms.Over reliance on AI-generated content in application forms is strongly discouraged and we will conduct a thorough screening process before selecting candidates to progress to the next stage. If you are using AI to enhance your application, please disclose this in your NHS Jobs application form.