CLINICAL RESPONSIBILITIES To undertake the assessment of surgical resources needed for patients/clients with complex care needs including individuals with undifferentiated and undiagnosed conditions. To develop, implement and evaluate programmes of care to meet these needs. To guide, advise and direct junior staff and learners in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of patient clients surgical care. To initiate risk assessment processes to determine risks to the health and well being ofpatients/clients and staff within the operating department taking appropriate action tominimize these risks. To lead a team of staff in emergency and other acute situations, ensuring that the patients/clients needs are met and that significant others are supported. To utilise information and data from a range of sources to identify patient problems andguide decision-making processes. To promote service user involvement in the planning, delivery and evaluation of care, respecting their wishes, beliefs and dignity. To independently liaise and communicate effectively with all members of the multidisciplinary team and other agencies involved in the care of the patient/client. TRAINING AND EDUCATION To take a lead in the promotion of the health and well-being of clients/patients and their significant others, ensuring that health promotion is incorporated in the planning anddelivery of care. To act as a supervisor to staff working within the area. To act as a mentor/preceptor/supervisor to students and other learners. To promote an environment that is conducive to quality learning and assessment. Develop programmes of learning to meet the educational needs of all staff working withinthe care setting. Maintain own continuing professional development needs. The post holder should be willing to work towards achieving graduate status. Develop and maintain competence in the additional skills related to the needs of the clientsand patients. To undertake in-house annual mandatory training in Manual Handling, Basic Life Support, Fire Safety and AED training. LEADERSHIP/MANAGERIAL To contribute to the recruitment and retention of team members. To co-ordinate a team of staff, ensuring that clear systems of communication are developedwithin the team and any work-related issues raised by the team are addressed. To ensure team members are aware of organisational objectives, policies and proceduresand the implications they have for their practice. To undertake the professional development review process with identified team members. Support staff with performance issues developing action plans to address developmentalneeds. To act as a professional role model for junior staff and the unregistered workforce, promoting high standards of practice and strong professional values. To assist with shift planning for the practice area COMMUNICATION To communicate effectively with patient/clients and their significant others, taking intoaccount their cultural background and cognitive functioning. To communicate clearly with all members of the multidisciplinary team, demonstrating sensitivity to cultural and language differences. To manage conflict between individuals, including staff, patients/clients and their significant others. To act as an advocate for patients/clients, significant others and more junior staff members. To ensure written communication complies with organisational and professional standards. AUDIT/INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY/RESEARCHACTIVITY In conjunction with the audit department, initiate and undertake clinical audits to monitor and maintain standards of practice. To utilise the critical incident reporting system to document actual or potential risksimpacting on the quality of patient care. To actively promote evidence based practice in own and the practice of other members ofstaff involved in the care of the patient/client. To take a professional lead in one specific aspect of practice, ensuring that new initiatives are incorporated within the working practices of all staff. With training, access organisational electronic information systems relevant to the role.