We invite applications to work with us as a Junior Clinical Fellow in Medicine. We have positions in both Acute Medicine and Elderly care
Medicine, working at Barnet Hospital. This is an exciting time to join the division as we develop our hot floor model, whilst developing same day
emergency care pathways and optimising our recently increased bed-base.
Clinical duties will be at SHO level, and will include participation in the medical on-call rota if deemed suitable. Educational supervision
and support will be provided using both a virtual learning environment and regular face-to-face teaching. This post is an ideal opportunity to
broaden experience in medicine whilst deciding on a career path. Candidates will be supported through MRCP examinations with regular
consultant-led teaching.
Barnet Hospital is a busy District General Hospital, and is renowned for being an excellent place to work and train, with excellent pass rates at
exams, success at application to training posts and enthusiastic consultant staff, committed to training. Barnet is a fantastic location close to the
green belt; affordable accommodation in nearby Hertfordshire; good local schools; ability to achieve a flexible enjoyable work life balance.
Medical students from University College Medical School are attached to the hospital during term time. The first cohort of Physicians Associates
Students rotated through medicine this year and we are supportive of Advanced Care Practitioner roles within acute medical specialties.
Working on one of the geriatric wards as part of the ward based team of junior doctors. The ward is supported by daily consultant ward rounds (Mon-Fri) and the juniors in the team include 1 registrar, 3 SHO’s and an F1 trainee. Each ward has a comprehensive nursing and therapy team. There is the opportunity to work in the AAU which aims to prevent admissions from A+E, facilitate early discharge and see direct referrals from GPs or via the navigator. The post-holder will have the opportunity to attend a broad spectrum of specialty clinics and also the various liaison services run by the department. There are many opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, as well as an expectation to participate in audit and quality improvement. It is also expected that the post holder will be involved in the junior doctors forum and handover processes. The post holder will be on the General Medical on-call rota should you be offered a banded position.
This advert closes on Thursday 20 Mar 2025