The pharmacy department at Lancashire teaching hospital employs over 200 staff. A licensed manufacturing unit, stores and distribution with wholesale dealer's license, growing clinical trials activity and a proactive medicines management team supporting medical education make it an exciting and diverse department. The clinical pharmacy team provide the service to the wards including tertiary specialties: renal medicine, oncology, plastics, vascular, major trauma, neurology and neurosurgery. Electronic prescribing is live in over 90% of the hospital. Outpatient services are delivered by a wholly independent subsidiary. Duties include but are not limited to: Undertake all independent prescribing duties in line with the Trust Non-Medical Prescribing Policy Work within the renal transplant service to prescribe and monitor immunosuppressive medications for patients following renal transplantation, through multidisciplinary clinic attendance and weekly multidisciplinary team meetings. Work closely with medical, nursing and pharmacy staff to identify patients who are planned for discharge and generate the medication aspect of the discharge prescription to support timely discharge. This must include ensuring all medicines prescribed are safe and appropriate, with an accurate record of medicines started, stopped, and changed during admission. Work with the Pharmacist Team to develop Key Performance Indicators relating to the Pharmacist independent prescribing of discharges and clinical verification of medicines, and devise and implement a system to monitor and improve performance. Work closely with medical, nursing and pharmacy staff to identify new patient admissions and ensure the safe and timely generation of an in-patient prescription that accurately reflects the medicines the patients were taking prior to admission, accounting for current clinical needs and reasons for admission (including ADRs). Work with the Prescribing Pharmacist Team to identify opportunities to expand the role of the independent prescribing pharmacist to enhance the patient experience and develop business cases to support this. Provide an advanced level clinical pharmacy service to a designated group of wards and specialty in accordance with professional, departmental and Trust policies. Provide advanced level pharmaceutical information to staff and patients in the Trust. Monitor monthly drug expenditure in a clinical directorate, identify and implement actions to support adherence to budget. This will include promoting adherence to the Trust prescribing formulary, guidelines, and policies to ensure cost effective prescribing, and horizon scanning to identify new pressures or opportunities. Investigate medicines related incident reports or complaints in the named speciality and input in to Root Cause Analysis investigations, identifying and implementing measures to minimise future risk.