Kingdown School, a thriving co-educational, non-denominational secondary school and sixth form, is looking to expand its existing team of Exam Invigilators to supervise students taking both mock and public Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 examinations. Working hours will be variable and on a casual basis. Working Hours : Casual. Likely hours will range between 8.00am until 4.00pm, Monday – Friday. Contract : Zero hours. Educating young people between the ages of 11 and 18 years, we have a strong reputation in the local community and beyond, built on an unswerving focus on the quality of teaching and learning and great pastoral care. Ranked in the top 10 secondary schools in Wiltshire, Kingdown school is located in the charming garrison town of Warminster, with excellent links to Salisbury, Bath, Bristol and the South-West. We are an academy under Acorn Education Trust, which provides exciting opportunities to collaborate and improve local education, and are committed to helping all young people believe, aspire and achieve. Applications are welcomed from well-organised, methodical individuals with an interest in education. Successful applicants will have a calm and supportive manner and will be available, on a casual basis, throughout the year. Support will be required particularly during January, May and June, although this may vary, depending on examination requirements. Full training will be provided for the role. Interested applicants are invited to contact Laura Munro for an informal chat about the role in the first instance. Telephone: 01985-215551