We are looking for an enthusiastic and dynamic person to join the Integrated Education team here at East Sussex Healthcare Trust. The role is for a part-time Deputy Head of Non-Medical Undergraduate Education, Apprenticeships & Widening Participation.
Essentially, we are looking for a leader who encourages and motivates, who is inclusive and creative, able to meet the exacting standards of Undergraduate non-medical education, Apprenticeships, and Widening Participation.
The role is supportive of someone who can focus on the here and now, whilst having vision for the future, supporting transformation and the ever-changing needs required to deliver the best possible services and outcomes for our service users and the communities we serve. If that is you then maybe this is the role for you.
You will lead the development of our Health Care Support Worker programme, including but not exclusive to, HCSW induction and Care Certificate. You will also be the operational lead for Trainee Nursing Associate, BSc Nursing students, and Apprenticeships, and associated programme placements.
The Deputy Head of Undergraduate Non-Medical Education, Apprenticeships and Widening Participation will be responsible for developing and influencing a strategic approach for the expansion of Undergraduate non-medical education to include widening participation to roles in the NHS such as Health Care Support Workers/non-clinical roles, Work Experience, and Apprenticeships, working in partnership with all internal and external stakeholders. The post holder will promote the Trust to be an employer of choice.
They will represent the Trust at Career Fairs, Visits to Schools, and partnership working with local colleges and HEIs. The postholder will maximise the uptake of apprenticeships across the Trust that will support the workforce challenges in the Trust. The post holder will be proactive in identifying new opportunities for apprenticeships, making a persuasive case for the use of the apprentices in a range of new and leading complex change strategies within Divisions.
The post holder will work within the Integrated Education Team and wider organisation to lead, develop, and co-ordinate the provision of Undergraduate Education to support healthcare support staff, non-clinical staff, and undergraduate (non-medical) students progressing on their respective programmes.
A wide range of staff benefits are available to our staff including staff development, enrolment in the NHS pension scheme, auto-enrolment to our Temporary Workforce Service, access to nurseries at Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne District General Hospital, staff restaurants, and on-site staff accommodation.
In addition to an internal Occupational Health department, all staff also have access to free psychological support through our confidential Employee Assistance Programme which is available to staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Onsite parking is available for a small administration fee.
There has never been a better time to join East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, submit your application today.
For further details/informal visits contact: Name: Jo Jukes Job title: Head of Integrated Education Email address: joanne.jukes@nhs.net Telephone number: 07500606298.
This role is currently a role share; the two services, Apprenticeship and WP team and the Undergraduate non-medical education team, were recently re-aligned to form one service.