With the CNO, they will be accountable for securing multi-professional clinical and care leadership in delivery of the ICBs objectives and form part of the wider network of clinical and care leaders in the region and nationally. With the ICB board they will ensure that population health management, innovation and research support continuous improvements in health and well-being including digitally enabled clinical transformation and the clinical and care elements of a sustainable People Plan for the ICS workforce. You will influence and work collaboratively as part of a wider system to create opportunities to make sustainable long term improvements to population health with key partners. This may include developing approaches which are non-traditional in nature, ambitious and wide reaching in areas which incorporate the wider determinants that have an impact on improving clinical outcomes, better life outcomes and reducing health inequalities for the population of the ICS. The CMO is professionally accountable to the regional medical director and may from time-to-time be formally requested to act on behalf of NHS England and NHS Improvement on key performance, monitoring and accountability matters. This will include the identification of performance risks and issues related to the quality of patient care and working with relevant providers and partners to enable solutions. As a registered professional, individuals in these roles will be accountable for their own practice and conduct in the role. It will be for the CEO to determine what other specific corporate functions each executive board member is accountable for within the ICB.