The post holder will have the opportunity to participate in Outpatient Gynaecology, theatres, and Antenatal clinics and Caesarean section lists. In addition, it is envisaged that the successful candidate will also be allocated to on-calls at NSECH. The Fellow will assist in the development, coordination, and delivery of undergraduate teaching at Hexham, North Tyneside, Wansbeck General Hospitals and at Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in Cramlington. The Teaching Fellow will participate in delivering and monitoring courses and clinical teaching across years 3, 4 and 5 of the undergraduate medical curriculum, for both Newcastle and Sunderland Medical Schools. To develop the teaching and educational skills of the Clinical Teaching Fellow, the post holder will be expected to register for the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, institution to be determined, with Home Fees funded by the Trust. Alternatively, a similar qualification in education may be undertaken, supported by the Trust up to the equivalent Home Fee Rate. Where appropriate, the post-holder may also undertake an educational research project.