This field based role is as Oversight Manager to join the Oversight team covering the Southeast. This is a new vacancy due to continued growth. This would be covering Kent, parts of London (mainly south London) and the South Coast covering as far west as Southampton and could venture into Essex and Suffolk on occasion. This is working for my Bristol based client who are experts in the financial compliance industry; focussing mainly on the Motor Trade and Travel so you would looking after large Automotive Dealership accounts and some Travel agents. They have one of the UK's largest regulatory networks with many retail sites across the UK benefiting from a range of Finance and Insurance services. This is an auditory and account managing role rather than sales. Depending on experience starting base salary is £34K with OTE c£40K ( OTE is paid monthly with a small quarterly uplift for consecutive achieving across the quarter ) plus car allowance ( £350 per month which means you can either use your existing car or lease one ). plus bens which inc private health. £34K basic with OTE up to £40K Car Allowance £350 per month Business mileage paid Health Insurance after 6 months probationary period Birthday day off 25 days annual leave plus bank holidays Monday to Friday Pension Scheme Ideally they'd be looking for at least 2 years experience working in an FCA regulated environment, with some experience as an auditor or in an oversight function and prior experience of working in a field based role. By providing Appointed Representative status, they shoulder the burden of compliance ( of being Directly Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ) so their customers can concentrate on running their day to day businesses selling cars and holidays ; saving them time, money and stress. Purpose of the role: Reporting to the Senior Oversight Manager the purpose of the role is to conduct oversight audits at network members on a risk-based approach, producing detailed reports based on the findings and setting appropriate action plans to mitigate any risks. To effectively manage and support both existing and new Network Members within a given geographic area, providing a comprehensive first-class account management service. Key Deliverables: Responsible for: Framework Setups - Undertake initial Framework set up visits for all Network Members (AR, VAR, Additional Services), including Approved Persons / Senior Manager Governance, staff induction training including system demonstrations using the relevant framework document to evidence the meeting and to set agreed action plans as appropriate, in line with company processes. Oversight Audits - Undertake a variety of different oversight audits both remotely and on site in-line with the agreed risk-based approach, ensuring that the audits are booked and completed as per the required frequency effectively and in line with company policies. Produce detailed reports based on the findings and set appropriate action plans to mitigate any potential customer harm or other identified risks. Escalations - Take direct responsibility for all escalations allocated and ensure they are completed within 28 days of allocation. Relationship Management - Take direct responsibility and provide a comprehensive first-class account management service to help support with the relationships for all clients within your caseload. Training & Development - Delivery of high quality, professional training and development to network members both on site and remotely in line with company policies as identified via oversight audits, internal checks, or as requested by the company or the Network Member. Cancellations - Take responsibility for network members with regards to cancellation requests (Network Membership and APEX Additions) in line with company processes. Sales Referrals - Generating income from existing network members as well as Identifying opportunities and making the sales department aware using the sales referral form of where there may be an opportunity for them to obtain additional business. Critical Competencies: Be able to understand and effectively convey relevant regulation and legislation from the Financial Conduct Authority (ICOBS / CONC) Ad h ere to th e ethos o f Con s umer Duty in a ll work acti v it y. Completion o f the companies Traini n g p rogram. Manage customer relationships with a professional approach Provide excellent customer service Have good self-presentation and excellent inter-personal skills Readily accept responsibility for your work Ensure work is completed to internal procedures and external regulatory requirements Able to make good decisions by using information effectively Self-disciplined with excellent time management skills Possess exceptional attention to detail skills Be highly motivated with the ability to work independently The ability to work effectively to deadlines Good organisational and administrative skills A strong communicator, able to handle objections, negotiate and close decision makers The ability to relate to a wide range of people from Approved Persons / senior company management to Sales Executives and Administrators Excellent presentation skills both face to face and via video call The ability to prioritise and manage several different tasks at once A polite, friendly and diplomatic manner Desi r a b le S k i l l s a n d Ex per i e n ce: Ex p erience of a r etail in s ur an ce en v iro n men t. Ex p erience of worki n g with / f o r fina n ce p ro v i d er s. Ex p erience of worki n g within a ri s k related role. Under s t a n d i n g of t h e Mot o r a n d Tra v el in dus try sector s. Under s ta nd ing of h ow to us e t h e FCA Ha n d b o ok, a n d k n ow l e d g e of t h e FCA req u ir e m e nts DISP,PRI N ,SYS C, ICOBS, S UP a n d CON C. Excell e nt c o mp u ter s kill s including Excel, One Drive, Teams, Word and Outlook. B e ing a ble to work remotely on your own and a s p art of a t ea m. A full UK driving licence Ot h er sig n i f i c a n t R o le Re qu irement s : Oversight Managers need to have a good understanding of legislation, as well as an excellent knowledge of the company, regulation and the products or service they advise on and sell. Always Comply with the FCAs (and other applicable regulators) principles, commitments and codes of practice. Adhere to the ethos of Consumer Duty in all work activity. Must achieve the minimum level of competency for the role relating to company, regulatory and legal standards, as defined by management. Adhere to all Company Policies and Procedures, including Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities, Data Protection, Code of Conduct, Security, IT. Ensure awareness of and adopt any changes in regulatory practice as advised by management. Maintain a log of personal continuing professional development (CPD) and ensure a minimum of 20 hours a year is completed. Ensure that online training is completed and kept up to date. Adhere to the individual Conduct Rules as follows: 1. You must act with integrity 2. You must act with due care, skill and diligence 3. You must be open and cooperative with the FCA, the PRA and other regulators 4. You must pay due regard to the interests of customers and treat them fairly 5. You must observe proper standards of market conduct Report all failures to comply with requirements immediately to line manager. Maintain a sound working relationship with all head office staff Proactively promote ITC and additional services Scope of Role: Full time, Permanent. Normal working hours are 37.5 hours per week, Monday to Friday, although some flexibility is required as the requirements/needs of the business. Remote working as well as travelling within a dedicated area and the occasional need to spend nights away from home. Training & Development: We pride ourselves on offering continuous training & development along with career progression opportunities for all employees. Appropriate training will be provided as the role demands ensuring the individual is set-up for success. A Truly Diverse Place to Work: Company celebrates the diversity of our people and we welcome applications from everyone. We believe that having a culture of inclusion is essential in delivering good results. Attracting, retaining, and developing a diverse workforce where employees feel valued, respected and empowered allows people to reach their full potential. As a business this diversity helps us to better reflect and understand our customers needs to allow us to drive better outcomes. As an organisation, we respect and adheres to Equal Opportunities legislation and the Equality Act 2010.