Develop and maintain effective working relationships with managers, colleagues, contractors and trust wide service users. Liaises with contractors, utility suppliers, professional parties and other service users both during normal working hours and out of hours whilst on call. Provide operational advisory support to Trust staff and managers to ensure compliance with all safety standards and procedures. Advise the Senior Estates Officer and/or Senior Hospital Staff (Duty Manager on call/Directorate Managers) on maintenance issues as required outside of normal office hours. Respond to estates related incidents and liaise with other members of the Trusts staff who request assistance. Liaise with Wards and Departments to ensure requested work is specified correctly to meet the users needs, provided efficiently and completed within the agreed priority response periods. This applies to all work requests including patient critical electrical and engineering plant, equipment and building services. Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections and testing to ensure compliance in line with Trust procedure and statutory requirements. Refer to and understand Electrical Engineering/Technical drawings, specifications and technical manuals. Assist in commissioning of electrical services, plant and equipment. Understand the workings of Electrical Essential and Non-Essential systems within all Trust properties. Test, diagnose and repair faults on these systems, and to deal with new situations as they arise. To pass on knowledge to others. Carry out maintenance of complex systems including Generators, LV Switchgear and Distribution, mains and submains, final circuits, Fire Alarm, Emergency Lighting, nurse call, some control wiring, building management systems, AHU fans, pumps, electrical catering equipment, single and three phase plant, equipment contained within the mortuary and theatres and other hospital fixed plant and equipment. Be prepared to work in hazardous areas, confined spaces and on contaminated equipment taking all safety measures to prevent danger, avoid injury and prevent damage to equipment in accordance with Trust policy and safe working procedures including relevant HTMs. Ensure that Risk Assessments and the use of operational procedures are actioned and observed by all maintenance staff. Be fully conversant with all Trust policies and procedures including: - Fire Safety, Infection Control, Health & Safety at Work Act, COSHH Regulations and Manual Handling guidance and safe systems of work. Identify and prioritise own workload and that of others when appropriate and actively participate in the operation of the performance management information system, including the completion of all electronic recording required by the scheme in a timely manner. Carry out planned preventative maintenance inspections and commissioning tests in accordance with Trust procedures and schedules. Ensure the security of all plant, equipment and buildings under the jurisdiction of the Maintenance Department. Make sure that any work areas are secure when working. Ensure that plant rooms are locked at all times. Assist with, and support the Trusts Engineering Officers in project work, new equipment testing and commissioning, specifications, surveys, costing and other similar duties. Undertake inspections for pre-installations and investigate services which may be required for new equipment and carry out minor installation improvement works with completion of required Electrical Certification. Keep plans, electronic and hard copy records, spread sheet statistical data and ensure such records etc. are correct, updated and revised as necessary.