Undertaking clinical assessments of referrals within the North Norfolk CLDT where there appears to be a complex mental disorder or complex challenging behaviour. Providing advice, within the CLDT about the management of highly complex mental disorder and complex challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability. Supporting CPA and S117 review processes through outpatient clinics and domiciliary visits. Supporting the rehabilitation of patients from the North Norfolk locality who are within inpatient services by maintaining regular liaison with the treating service, and undertaking care reviews, with the aim to ensure that people do not stay in hospitals or out of area for longer than necessary. Acting as Responsible Clinician for patients with intellectual disability living within West Norfolk, and subject to conditional discharge or Supervised Community Treatment. Participation in multi-disciplinary, multi-agency and partnership working for the most highly complex cases, such as those who might be under the care of community forensic, or continuing healthcare, services. Ensuring patients are subject to best practice in the management of risk, and outcome measurement.