We are looking for individuals across a wide range of skills and experiences, including, but not limited to, areas such as financial planning, risk management, third sector governance, law, social housing management, and strategic leadership. If you believe you have the skills, experience, and commitment to join us, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please return your completed Expression of Interest form by 4pm on Friday, 4th April 2025. ROLE DESCRIPTION Board Members have five primary duties towards the Association: To act as the guardian of the Association To make decisions about policy and strategy To act as final point of accountability To monitor, supervise and control the work of the Association To provide a bridge between the organisation and the outside world In addition, Board Members have a: Duty of Care: ensuring the prudent use of all of its assets, including housing stock, facility, people, and goodwill; Duty of Loyalty: ensuring that its activities and transactions are advancing its mission; recognising and disclosing conflicts of interest; making decisions that are in the best interests of the Association; and not acting in the interest of an individual Board Member(s), or any other individual or for-profit entity. Duty of Compliance: ensuring that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations; follows its Rules; and that it keeps to its stated Corporate Objectives. Main tasks & responsibilities To set the annual and longer-term objectives for the Association and to determine its values, philosophy and culture. To enable the achievement of those objectives through the development of appropriate delegated authorities, policies and the employment of staff with appropriate skills and experience. To appoint and support the Chief Executive in the delivery of strategic objectives; To ensure that key corporate policies are established for the Association, covering all legal, regulatory and good practice requirements and to approve such policies as determined as matters reserved for the Board. To measure and review the performance of the Association. To review the activities of the Association from time to time and decide on changes if appropriate or advisable in the interest of the Association. To exercise sound financial oversight and to maintain financial viability whilst meeting the Associations objectives through the establishment, approval and monitoring of the Associations budget, treasury plans and expenditure. To ensure management of financial risk and protect the public funds invested in the Association. To ensure management of wider organisational risks in pursuing the objects of the Association. To ensure that the interests and needs of the Associations tenants are considered in all matters. To ensure that the Associations newly built or acquired properties are developed to a high standard and within the scheme investment appraisal policy as determined by the Board. To ensure that the Associations properties and are kept in good repair through the implementation of its response and planned maintenance programmes. To be a good employer. To promote the accountability of the Association through openness and contact with its communities, representative bodies, strategic authorities and other stakeholders. To ensure that the Association conducts its activities to the highest standards. To ensure that the Association demonstrates a clear commitment to equality, diversity and good relations. To attend Board and Committee meetings regularly and contribute to their effectiveness, having prepared for them by reading the papers and minutes. To actively participate in other meetings or events outside the cycle of board and Committee meetings. To review the performance of the board to ensure, as a group, it has the capacity, skills and commitment to understand and control the Association. To participate in an annual appraisal with the Chair and initiate the agreed actions arising from it. To ensure that the Boards Committees are authorised adequately to fulfil their agreed functions, that their meetings are suitably documented and recorded, held at reasonable intervals, and are effective. To ensure that effective board governance structures are established and implemented with appropriate delegated authorities, internal controls, risk management and accountability. To elect office bearers (if applicable) at the first meeting following the AGM To comply with the Associations Code of Conduct and Standing Orders as required. To ensure that the organisation remains compliant with DfC registration criteria, funding conditions and performance standards To attend functions and other meetings in the interests of the Association. To attend appropriate training events and take part in activities designed to improve their understanding, knowledge and skills required for the business of the Association. To promote the interests of the Association and as required, speak on behalf of the Board. To carry out all tasks and work assigned. To be loyal to the Board, colleagues, and the senior management team. To respect organisational and individual confidentiality. Selection Timetable The closing date for completed applications is 4pm on Friday 4th April 2025. Completed applications should be sent by email to: Responses will only be accepted on the relevant application form. Please note that CVs will not be accepted. Subject to confirmation, the shortlisting process is envisaged to take place week commencing 7th April 2025 with successful applicants invited for interview week commencing 14th April 2025. Further details will be provided to those candidates invited to participate in this stage of the process.