Infant Feeding Provide infant feeding support to expectant and new mums/dads of preterm and sick term babies who are admitted, or likely to be admitted, to the neonatal unit or transitional care unit. Set up initial meeting to discuss expressing and breast feeding, ensuring mum knows how to hand express, store EBM safely, position and attach etc. Complete documentation to record regular support and advice given. Promote early initiation of expressing and be proactive with ongoing support to maintain a good long term supply. Teach parents and staff how to hand express and use the electronic pumps with appropriate advice and benefits. Support the neonatal team with the safe and effective storage of breastmilk. Including the rotation of breastmilk and freezer maintenance. Help maintain the stock of equipment and records of all breast pumps that are loaned out from NNU and ensure they are returned to the NNU when baby is discharged home. Maintain the stock and cleanliness of the milk kitchen on NNU. Support staff with responsive bottle feeding. Provide practical support for parents who choose to formula feed their babies including responsive bottle feeding, support whilst sterilising equipment and safely making up feeds. Clinical Work towards implementing the philosophy, policies, procedures and guidelines with Neonatal Services. Champion the benefits of the baby friendly standards to staff and families to improve long term outcomes for babies. Provide care to babies and their families under the direction/supervision of a registered nurse. Act in a professional manner at all times maintaining high unit standards. To work effectively within a team. Establish and maintain effective communication and relationships with the Multidisciplinary team Undertake duties commensurate with Band that you have been given appropriate training for and deemed competent. Undertake other tasks appropriate to the unit environment with necessary training e.g cleaning of equipment, and undertaking ward errands as required by senior colleagues. Contribute to and maintain accurate, clear and reliable records, including the documentation of any care given to the babies. Be responsible for the safe keeping and maintenance of all equipment used. Acknowledge your personal and professional limitations, liaising with and referring to nurses and doctors at all times. Provide physical and emotional support for babies and their families as part of the team with the support of a nurse and report any adverse findings to the nurse. Following training, prepare for and perform specific delegated clinical procedures heart rate, respirations and patterns, temperature and temperature control, urine testing, weighing babies, obtaining capillary blood samples for Guthrie and blood sugars, removal of cannulae. Be able to initiate Neonatal resuscitation and seek help. Assist ordering and collecting stock, and attend to general tidiness of ward including unpacking and storage of ward stock deliveries. Support parents in ensuring their babies hygiene requirements are met. Feed babies using all methods of artificial enteral feeding practiced within the TCU/NNU environment. Undertake procedures to support this care e.g. placement and checking of naso-gastric tubes and feeding via this method. Support parents physically and emotionally in all aspects of caring for their babies, including supporting parents in the care of terminally ill babies. Undertake a range of administrative duties as directed by the nurse, including discharge planning and the collation of relevant statistics and basic audit work. Undertake parent craft demonstrations for parents, supporting discharge planning and preparing them to care safely for their babies within their own homes. Take part in parent education for the parents under the direction of a nurse including positive touch, skin to skin. Undertake education to maintain skills and ensure they are up to date with practice changes The IFSW team do work 7 days a week and rotation on to night duty. Email: (Infant Feeding Lead Nurse) or (Infant Feeding Sister) for more info or to arrange an informal visit.