Fire Safety Management Provide advice to the Trust as necessary to maintain a safe place of work and safe working environment in relation to fire and fire safety seeking guidance from the Senior Fire Safety Advisor when required. To assist in the conducting and reviewing of the Fire Risk Assessment programme on all Trust premises, carrying out such assessments as necessary, when deemed competent to do so. Liaise with the Fire Authority, Health and Safety Executive and local Police as necessary. Monitor the Trusts compliance with Fire Safety legislation and local Fire Safety Policy through a programme of auditing. To support in the monitoring and reporting on fires, unwanted fire signals and incidents. Lead investigations and report on fire related incidents recorded on Ulysses. Fire Training Take a leading role in the preparation and delivery of fire safety training as required, including mandatory fire and other specialist bespoke training i.e. fire warden, response and disabled evacuation equipment. Support local managers with the upkeep of fire safety arrangements, log books and manuals, fire drills, regular site inspections and evacuations as required. Conduct periodic fire drills on Black Country Healthcare sites. Risk Management Deliver appropriate advice and support to all staff to ensure that risk registers are populated and appropriately maintained with fire safety risks. Provide support and guidance to managers in conducting and documenting risk assessments in all relevant areas with a view to reducing areas of risk. Plan, prepare, conduct and evaluate risk audits and surveys in connection with fire safety issues in order to inform management of their risk profile. Develop into a Competent Fire Risk Assessor, to eventually undertake Fire Risk Assessments across the Trust once deemed competent to do so via the Fire Safety Teams internal competency scheme.