We are passionate in supporting our staff to develop and have great opportunities for career progression. We take equality and diversity seriouslyand seek to empower all diverse groups within our trust. We seek to develop a culture where diversity in all its forms is celebrated. We arecommitted to ensuring that women are empowered to work at all levels of management and that working patterns are as flexible as possible givingall members of staff opportunity to flourish in using their skills for our patients. We work across our trust to enable those who consider themselvesto have a disability both visible and invisible to have access to all they need to thrive in their work environment. We work with Stonewall to embedan inclusive and accepting culture for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender staff. We have 78 nationalities working in our trust and we are proud of this. We are active in embracing the ethnic and cultural diversity in our trust. We work to empower people with any protectedcharacteristic to have opportunities to work in an environment that helps them to contribute to the best of their ability, recognising and valuing theunique contributions each of us brings for best quality care and service to our patients. We are committed to supporting the delivery of the EqualityAct with zero tolerance for any discrimination, harassment or victimisation of applicants and staff with these protected characteristics