Inner East Youth Work Co-Ordinator 35hrs per week Salary: £30,236 To support, connect, establish & further develop current collaborative working across the youth work sector in Inner East Belfast. Lead on current collaborative initiatives working in partnership with Community, Voluntary & Statutory sector. Role Co-ordinate the development of East Belfast Youth Practitioners Forum through monthly meetings, themed sub-groups, focused workshop and team building. Develop and maintain effective relationships and networks with key stakeholders, promoting collaborative working to enhance youth work provision in East Belfast. Lead and co-ordinate, with the support of the working group, the implementation of East Belfast Youth Work Strategy. Review the youth work strategy action plan in line with emerging needs of young people and youth provision within East Belfast. Co-ordinate the delivery and management of East Belfast Street Team project working closely with partners Co-ordinate the development of East Belfast Street Work Stakeholder Group through monthly meetings, responding to emerging/current issues. Raise awareness and promote the youth work sector in East Belfast by sharing information and enhance understanding about current youth provision. Connect with youth provision, supporting youth workers by responding to emerging needs and providing advice and guidance. Establish a social media presence to raise the profile of good youth work practice in East Belfast. Provide learning opportunities for Youth Workers to improve practice, including exploring new models of work through new ideas, resources, training and development. Advocate for further support and provision for young people in East Belfast. Duties Provide secretariat support for monthly meetings of East Belfast Youth Practitioners Forum. Progress actions arising from East Belfast Youth Practitioners Forum in partnership with the Chair and Vice-Chair. Develop the governance, membership and strategic focus of East Belfast Youth Practitioners Forum. Provide secretariat support and Chair monthly meetings of East Belfast Street Work Stakeholder Group. Participate in 1- 2 sessions of street team delivery, on a monthly basis with the street team. Facilitate a response for any youth-related issues requiring a multi-agency approach. Produce a monthly youth practitioners e-bulletin and maintain the Youth Practitioners Forum central database. Build relationships with key strategic partners such as: Belfast City Council; PSNI, Education Authority; further education training organisations and other relevant statutory, voluntary and community organisations. Review the progress of East Belfast Youth Work Strategy in line with measurements identified. Facilitate the delivery of East Belfast Drug & Alcohol Network. For an application pack click apply Closing date: Friday 21st February at 1pm Interviews will be held on Wednesday 26th February, it will not be possible to offer any alternative date.